Example sentences of "[adj] [be] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Six year old Jalal and Nassir , who 's eight are in Libya with their father Farash .
2 How many tanks do you own ? 210 of which 180 are in use at the moment .
3 Currently two main methods of describing a solid are in use in CAD systems .
4 Orthodox painters and avant-garde ‘ heresiarchs ’ in this are in competition for the consecration of the institutions .
5 Examples of this are in studies of crystallization and the deformation behaviour of polymers .
6 ( His most categorical assertions of this are in Guide to Kul- chur . )
7 We looked into this are in terms of the population here .
8 The English were in danger of becoming a nation dominated by dullness and decorous solemnity .
9 Reactions have varied — some were in favour of operating such a scheme , while others either doubted its feasibility or were unable to participate .
10 Among the senior naval officers with Scottish political interests some were in opposition to the Administration , and one at least , Admiral Lord Keith , because of the importance of the commands which he held , was able to utilise naval patronage to sustain the political interest of the Elphinstone family of which he was a member .
11 According to the press , the vote at the Scottish Conservative party conference in 1988 at Perth was about 600 to 12 , the 12 being in favour of devolution , one of whom , I happen to know , voted that way simply because he was sorry for the minority .
12 This is in contrast to the dysuria associated with cystitis where the discomfort is actually urethral .
13 This occurs because most tropical rainforest biogeochemical cycles involve a tight intra-system relationship between the living biomass and the litter which contains the major reservoirs of nutrients ; this is in contrast to the biogeochemical cycles of temperate and boreal forests wherein the soil plays a much more significant role in nutrient recycling ( see Mannion 1986e for a more complete discussion of these relationships ) .
14 This is in contrast to high intensity areas where mechanical removal of vegetation coupled with intensive weeding and mowing have altered the environment to such a degree that forest recolonisation is unlikely .
15 This is in contrast to Canada , where 94 per cent of the forest area is publicly owned .
16 This is in contrast to Britain where woodland exploitation throughout prehistory and history has left a landscape largely bereft of natural woodland and where a mantle of alien conifers dominates many upland areas .
17 This is in contrast to the traditional structure based upon professional hierarchies .
18 This is in contrast to what the person or group is tackling , ie the task itself .
19 This is in contrast to the case of CLE-1 , where a set of bindings must be judged plausible ( typically involving reasoning ) even when no alternative exists .
20 This is in contrast to most potential anti-viral agents , whose action is usually restricted to only a few of the many different types of viral agents that cause disease .
21 This is in contrast to the sociology of knowledge which was designed to be non-evaluative and not to distinguish between false and true knowledge .
22 This is in contrast to previous findings , in which cultures of dissociated anterior mesenchyme were shown to be more responsive to FGF than were cultures of posterior mesenchyme .
23 This is in contrast to homosexual men positive for HIV who , in general , suffer from bacterial pneumonia more commonly only in the advanced stages of HIV disease .
24 This is in contrast to theories like Morgenthau 's and Waltz 's , which deliberately employ natural science notions of a system .
25 This is in contrast to the national parks , since none have been added to the original ten .
26 This is in contrast to the situation in capitalist countries where education reflects the authoritarian and exploitative values of the factory system with the result that it helps to reproduce the capitalist system of production which is inherently inefficient .
27 This is in contrast to the case in the United States for example , where individual Congressmen can initiate spending proposals .
28 This is in contrast to the practice of putting all the colours in the collection on the palette at once .
29 This is in contrast to most other EC countries , Australia , Canada and the USA .
30 This is in contrast to section 18 , which permits the defendant to claim that he was not aware that his words were threatening , abusive or insulting .
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