Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] she [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 She was very calm when she rang me from the hospital asking for her mourning clothes .
2 I am a 39-year-old man weighing 11 stone and I was trying to cuddle my nine year old when she picked me up and threw me across the room .
3 I was nervous but she put me at ease immediately .
4 I would have sworn at that time that I loved her as much as she did me , more even , but subsequent events proved me wrong .
5 The woman in the shop 's pretty friendly and she tells me what to do with the plants — you know , water them once a week , or keep them out of draughts and that .
6 She 'd seen her brother 's and she wanted to see if they all looked like that and she asked me so I showed her mine , but it was only if she 'd show me hers and she did as well . ’
7 Mrs Chamberlin has more than a dozen and she gave me such beautiful eggs to bring home .
8 She sort of flinches but I dab real soft and she lets me finish .
9 It was only semi-erotic because she made me wear a condom .
10 She sounded distant and cold as she told me she would marry the man her father had selected from millions , and that was the end of it .
11 ‘ He was at her , trying to make her say that she loved him better than she did me .
12 Poor child , it 's terrible that she loves me so much . ’
13 When I first came home I thought I would stay with my mother as long as she needed me , then I would go back .
14 She 's lonely and she plied me with tea and scones and the rest , and gave me information about her neighbours , whom she seems to like quite a bit .
15 She tells me that when she was a nippy ( of course I say what 's a nippy and she tells me it 's a waitress ) the worst sin the girls could commit , sackable instantly , was to whirl the pencils which were attached by string to their aprons .
16 He was always jealous because she married me .
17 I was dead pleased when she told me but yer see , pal , yer 'll 'ave ter 'ave anuvver fink .
18 I tried to look pleased when she told me that Prentice had been ringing at half-hourly intervals since mid-afternoon and had left a multiple-choice list of numbers where I could get him that evening .
19 ‘ And then , when he brought the lady … no , she was n't a lady , she was just a woman , and her voice was common and she called me duckie and … and I said to them , ‘ I 'm going to scream . ’
20 yeah , I got f I got , my total marks I could 've got was fifty eight and I got fifty four and she gave me a C and she said must improve your marks .
21 I grew a little apprehensive when she informed me that I would see witches and some ugly things , after which I would see my grandfather and other long-dead relatives .
22 She said she had one last year and it were excellent so she brought me one .
23 The woman was in her early forties and she asked me for £5 straight away .
24 I used to be wild but she reformed me .
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