Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] had [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such calls are usually of an offensive sexual nature , e.g. heavy breathers and also come under point 3 , but could be offensive in other ways , e.g. telling a woman that her dead husband was having an affair , was homosexual or had a criminal record etc .
2 Er there were very very few that had a regular job , really .
3 She looked at him , smiling , and he thought she was beautiful , even though she was old and had a stiff , curly whisker or two on her chin .
4 The boy was about fourteen years old and had the long , fuzzy hair of the Dervish .
5 The ramparts themselves were of earth , but were timber-faced and had an internal wooden framework to give additional strength .
6 In such areas the landscape was as much medieval as in the open-field lands but it was very different and had a different pattern of settlement within it .
7 Fair-haired , he was clean shaven and had a strong face .
8 Young single women with children are overwhelmingly likely to be living in local authority housing , and those who married early and/or had a pre-marital conception are more likely to do so as well .
9 Alain became interesting to his father when he showed that he was exceptionally clever and had the same flair for finance .
10 On the domestic front I was less fortunate and had no great success with house hunting .
11 The plaintiff was the stepdaughter of the deceased and had a close relationship with him .
12 He said he was feeling sick and numb and had a crushing pain .
13 I remember nothing there except a girl in the top class , who was fair-haired and had a bright complexion , and I see her now in my mind 's eye outstretched , lying upon her back on the floor .
14 The Constable had been in the Force since 1924 and had an excellent character [ and ] served in the trenches at the age of fifteen and a half .
15 The thigh was straight and had an inturned head , compared ( favourably ) with that of the reptile which is slightly S-shaped and without a head .
16 I was ignorant and had no worldly experience in those days .
17 It was dark and had a tiny window .
18 A modest man , he was inclined to self-deprecation but had a quick , sharp mind of considerable penetration , together with a robust common sense .
19 The antibody to γ-interferon was raised to highly purified natural human γ-interferon and had a neutralising titre against γ-interferon of 1:10000 but had no detectable activity against human alpha or beta interferons .
20 In commemoration of the end of apprenticeship in 1838 John Relly Beard looked on behalf of religious liberals as much as had the evangelical Wardlaw to the ‘ genius of Christianity ’ producing future success in the US and the wider world .
21 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
22 Today ( a wet Monday ) he was up as usual at 6.30 and had a few cornflakes and a pint of coffee .
23 Ted was signed for the Palace by Manager Jack Tresadern from Preston in the summer of 1934 and had a magnificent first season , only prevented from making full appearances by an injury sustained in our Christmas Day fixture at Torquay .
24 The taxi driver said that the man was well-dressed and had a black beard and pale face .
25 Bologna was rich and had the usual rivalries with neighbours , most intensively with Modena , its arch-enemy .
26 He was shrivelled , wispy-haired and had a pronounced squint .
27 She was tall and had a slender enough waist for him to have spanned it with his hands , and he was amazed at how strongly he wished he could be given the chance .
28 It came up on the wall like that and had a big wooden block fastened to the wall that block
29 Armstrong was born in 1893 and had a classical education at Oxford before reaching art school just before the outbreak of the First World War .
30 At that stage I was optimistic about what we were doing — Jeremy was physically strong and fit and had a resourceful mind and a determined , even stubborn , character .
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