Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The activities may be spontaneous or at the suggestion of the teacher .
2 It is clear that at a meeting on July 4 between Lord Young and BAe , discussions included various tax benefits for Rover , to be achieved through the removal of the ring fence on tax losses and sympathetic revenue treatment .
3 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
4 Whilst the White Paper acknowledges that local policy objectives and resources must be a key context in planning and delivery services , the government appears to be clear that at the point of assessment , decisions must be needs-based and ‘ should not focus only on the user 's suitability for a particular existing scheme ’ ( DoH , 1989b , p. 18 ) .
5 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
6 Yet everything he talked of was clear and at the tip of his tongue .
7 At first they were very calm and at the end , at the end there was a big panic that they was , they were all talking over each other , there was no control , you know , it was a bit rushed at the end , but , that was n't because it was bad planning , it was just they were panicked at the end .
8 It comes in sizes S , M , L and XL and at a cost of just £6.75 is an affordable way to thrust yourself into the very forefront of the 1990's fashion !
9 Expectations are always exceedingly high and at the minute club football in Cavan is poor . ’
10 I found his personality irresistibly magnetic and at the end of his speech I joined the rest of the huge crowd in tumultuous cheering .
11 At the end of 1942 the total was 218,783 and at the end of 1943 235,501 .
12 Closer editing would have improved this but at the cost of time .
13 The progress of this relationship is n't altogether clear but at the end of the book he describes the Italian male lover as a ‘ sleepy tomcat ’ and Vittoria 's life as subject to frequent phases of ‘ wailing neck biting followed by complacent indifference ’ from such men .
14 ‘ We are aiming not at the elaboration of a few but at the erection of many temples or houses of our Lord ’ and therefore ‘ cheapness in the construction of each is indispensable to success ’ and Gothic chapels need not be expensive .
15 Finn had at last wrenched Bothwell free but at the cost of tearing apart his controls ; in a spiky halo of torn wire , Bothwell crumpled to the floor .
16 It would appear from Donoghue v. Stevenson and Australian Knitting Mills Ltd. v. Grant [ 1936 ] A.C. 85 that it would be immaterial whether at the time of fault the victim was in existence or not , so long as the victim was a member of a class which might reasonably and probably be affected by the act of carelessness .
17 ( It 's also odd that at no time during the film is Brando seen to strike Harris anyway ! )
18 This section 7(3) required the LTE so to perform their functions as to ensure so far as practicable that at the end of each accounting period the aggregate of the net balance of the consolidated revenue account of the LTE and of their general reserve was such as might be approved by the GLC ; and that if , at the end of any accounting period , the aggregate showed a deficit , the amount properly available to meet changes to revenue account in the next following accounting period should exceed those charges by at least the amount of that deficit .
19 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
20 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
21 It is also possible to scale the approaching waves such that at the point of collision , and .
22 It was also pointed out that , for the colinear case , it was convenient to rescale the approaching waves such that at the point of collision .
23 IT IS IRONIC that at a time when the shares of motor traders are dropping like stones , the price at which dealerships change hands has remained steady .
24 I 'm convinced that at the age of seventy eight people do they would have said do n't bother .
25 It looks at both the validity of the accounting procedures as such and at the faithfulness of their conclusions to reality .
26 Anne seemed to be scarcely listening and at a sound from her mother dashed back to her side , followed by Sarah and Mrs Bennet .
27 He was twenty-eight and at the top of the profession in America , a place where he had commitments , a secure job , money coming in , young kids , a home , a life style .
28 Being on soft peat land , digging was easy and at a depth of three feet we found a two inch cylindrical piece of metal .
29 Haig had seen action in the Sudan in 1898 and at the Battle of Omdurman , where he served with the Egyptian cavalry .
30 Professionals feel ignorant and at a disadvantage working with patients they feel they do not understand and who , in turn , do not trust them .
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