Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] he [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 Tom could see this so he gave me the key to his hotel room and told me to have a shower and put on some of his clothes .
2 He then accepted this and he told me he was going to pay me the other £2,500 in Turkey in Turkish money . ’
3 He come in laughing one day , look at this Paul , look at this and he shows me this big long letter that this teacher had wrote on .
4 ‘ He was very candid and he gave me the benefit of his thinking about a lot of things , ’ Clinton told reporters after leaving the White House .
5 I think my father 's authority was irrational because he expected me to have no other interests outside my schoolwork .
6 He 's an older man and maybe an easier since he had me galloping the best of my horses lame over you , Owen .
7 Lucker has elected not to do this as he tells me he would probably pass out .
8 He acknowledged this when he told me in fluent English that he wanted to do a post-graduate degree in biology in the States .
9 He 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums and helps me with my homework .
10 ‘ Dad 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums ’
11 The policeman is civil and he lets me go , commenting on my eyesore of a car , warning me to get my tail-light repaired .
12 I arrived early and he led me upstairs to a comfortable polish-scented lounge and made coffee , before returning to the bar to finish off .
13 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
14 I was experiencing something very like despair , which was not altogether relieved when he turned me towards him and said , " I 'd love you if you were as bald as a coot .
15 He wore a rich robe so encrusted with precious metals and stones that I wondered if he could stand up under the weight And his eyes were tiny , wet and somehow avid as he looked me over — wholly ignoring Mala — from head to foot .
16 He does n't like to be seen with mum and dad , but when I 'm poorly and he takes me out in the wheelchair , he does n't mind who he meets and he says : ‘ Hi fellas , this is my mum . ’
17 Only a bit in that and he told me , and she kept that .
18 Er the butty paid you , you see , out of his tin , what he thought fit and he gave me ten shillings for the first one I done , first day I done , and I told me Dad when I got home , he says , Ten shillings ?
19 ‘ The less you respond to him the more he tries to get to you — I know I can be a bit intense so it 's really good that he taught me to have fun at work and loosen up . ’
20 He 's now 80 and he wants me to live with him — he says he wants to take care of me .
21 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
22 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
23 I went to the doctor at seventeen , just about to be married and he put me on Librium to calm me down .
24 The first May I fell out my garden and put my elbow out , this , this , this one right out which makes it awkward for me to use now , you know , I , I put that right out and therefore erm I had to go at , up to hospital and put that right and the follow the following , the following May my bed caught alight with electric blanket and that blazed all up , had my , had my bed all alight my double bed , the electric blanket and I 'd only just had it serviced and that went , that was the second May and the third May we were going on an outing me and erm Arthur that was lodging with me and he , we got out of the taxi at Parndon and it , he just collapsed and died at me feet so that 's the , that was the end of that and I 've been living here you know , since he went , and erm I used to be able to get anywhere with one stick cos I had arthritis in this right hip you see , I could get anywhere with one stick in the taxi , or anywhere and I went to my son 's , er which is now coming , I 've been here about twelve years in this bungalow , er eight years erm , eight years ago in No this November gone , I went down to my son 's , it was rather slippery and he took me down in the car and I , as I got out erm the car I said to him mind it 's very slippery , he said I wo n't let you fall mother he said , so I went in , but as I came out with one stick he still had n't got anything down , you know , if it had been a , a sort of erm sand or something down I would n't of slipped and I got half way in his car and out I fell and caught this left hip on the step , on the step and I dislocated my hip and it 's right out of the socket like that , it should be , and I ca n't have it put back because I 've had several coronaries in my life time and I can not have it put back you see
25 ‘ We checked his clothes for bloodstains … there were n't many but he told me to wash his shirt and handkerchief while he had a shower .
26 ‘ It was great when he asked me to join his band .
27 I intend to go on doing that as long as he wants me .
28 ‘ I 've just gone all stupidly emotional because he touched me again ! ’ she whispered to herself .
29 What would happen if I loved him more than he loved me , and if he were to cheat on me one day ?
30 If he did tell me anything it would be a pack of lies , because obviously the secret would n't be a secret any more if he told me the truth , and he can feel , as I do , that with my increasing maturity he needs all the holds over me he can get ; I 'm not a child any more .
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