Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] was [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Was change incremental or was there a sudden , sharp turning point ?
2 But it became clear that was not the way to hold our own against companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola , or Mars on the confectionery side .
3 the Palladium — a cheap trick to try and convince the punters that they were in somewhere far classier than was really the case .
4 There was the scandal of the Westminster Council 's sale of cemeteries for 15 pence ; a report of an enterprising Yorkshireman , Edgar Dakin , who , shocked at the prices charged for memorial headstones in the conventional marble or granite , had patented his design for thermoplastic ones at a tiny fraction of the cost ; and yet another that was virtually a half-hour commercial on BBC television for the ubiquitous Hodgson Holdings .
5 He is a robust pro-European and was also the key player in securing a victory for the Prime Minister at the EC summit in Edinburgh .
6 By pointing out a flower or describing a rarity he could make a walk supremely interesting and was indeed a charming companion on any expedition in the fields .
7 The house was left empty and was often a target for vandals and Sutherland was unable to sell it .
8 ‘ You were convinced that was where the leak was from the start .
9 They had all become part of campus life but the chuguo chao , the ‘ going abroad tide ’ , was probably the most noticeable and was certainly a ‘ hot topic ’ ( translated from the Chinese ‘ redian ’ ) among students .
10 The association with Lancashire lasted until 1986 and was always a happy one , for he was enormously popular with the fans and with his team-mates .
11 Chris believes the Bay Horse was first a pub in the 1560s and was also a coaching inn .
12 Surprised by Joy limited by the necessarily artificial conventions of autobiography , gives an impression that the development of Lewis 's religious opinions was much more cut and dried than was really the case .
13 Upper Framilode is by far the larger and was originally the location of the Purnells ' extensive iron and tinplate works , of which few traces remain , while Lower Framilode consists of just a few cottages , the mill and the Darell Arms .
14 It had declined substantially by the late thirties but was still a thriving place compared with the Baldersdale of today .
15 Reviewing the seminar , Paul Murray said : ‘ Given the change in our portfolio , this important step in LASMO 's investor relations programme was both essential and effective and was just the first of such events — we will certainly be continuing this communications process in the future . ’
16 The last ball preceding Lent coincided with Carnival and was generally a fancy dress affair .
17 In fact , the first report appeared in July 1992 and was mainly a description of the evaluation process .
18 He acted as the principal connection between King , Council , and Parliament ; for , until Robert Cecil went to the Lords in 1604 , the Secretary was usually a commoner and was normally the Crown 's principal mouthpiece in the Lower House .
19 By the time he had been through that and was ready to return , Jennifer had been married and divorced and was almost a stranger again .
20 The phrase ‘ a recognised diagnostic pointer ’ was not our own and was perhaps an unfortunate choice by the technical editor .
21 The present church was built on the opposite side of the road in 1814 and was originally a very plain structure with a square tower at the west end .
22 The room was empty , but she could hear Mr Browning 's voice from the bedroom and was now certain that was where the cry was coming from .
23 It first appeared in England in April 1852 and was not a success despite good reviews in trade journals .
24 Kenny was probably the most polished and was certainly the best full-back so far to play for Crystal Palace , and his distinguished career with us , Arsenal , QPR and England proves his quality .
25 Mr. Collins said that Winchester was ‘ subject ’ to the Lautro Rules 1988 and was therefore a member of Lautro .
26 Among these the Underworld was the great unknown and was therefore the dominant feature of funerary texts from the Middle Kingdom onwards .
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