Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If things had happened differently he , Lewis , would be living in a house like this or in a flat in central London with a cottage in the country as well .
2 These results confirm the notion that , under the reaction conditions applied , Dcm is methylated by SAM to a significant extent either directly at its active residue Cys 177 or in a reaction requiring Cys 177 for catalysis .
3 Most authorities lacked such a committee before this except in a shadow , non-statutory form within the majority party caucus .
4 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
5 It seems clear that in a number of places the word for professional soldier has been misunderstood as meaning " thousand " .
6 It is clear that in a number of sectors concentration is significantly higher than in the economy generally .
7 A collection of general medical books in a public library may deal with the same range of topics , but the indexing can be broader than in a specialist context , and the terms used for the same thing may be different .
8 It seems to me manifest that in a world in which sexual activity is more and more openly presented in all media , in which sex is exploited for purposes of advertisement and entertainment at every level , and in which people 's sexual proclivities are discussed in the plainest terms , children at school need to be given clear information from an early age , and a chance to have their questions answered at various stages of their school career .
9 Can I say , Bill , it 's very interesting that in a programme erm which is supposed to be talking about John Major we 've in fact discussion erm getting women into Parliament , we 've discussed Margaret Thatcher a lot , we 've discussed the press portrayal of all politicians , and in fact we 've hardly mentioned John Major .
10 Then on the slope above , there was a snort from a watchful hind and in a second every beast was in flight , careering down the hillside , leaping , bounding , in jerky yet fluid motion .
11 ‘ I was free and in a way I was happy . ’
12 ‘ It was really good and really exciting but in a way it was also like a flashback to 1983 or something , because I still wanted to do completely different songs to everyone else !
13 The stress σ is applied to spring E 1 and dashpot η 3 ; it is also shared by E 2 and η 2 but in a manner which varies with time .
14 He also became friends with the eccentric Duke of Montagu of Boughton House in Northamptonshire , for ‘ In Stamford … there was not one person , clergy or lay , that had any taste of learning or ingenuity , so that I was actually as much dead in converse as in a coffin . ’
15 Of course , psychiatric diagnosis is not an error free process , and it is possible that in a proportion of the cases where there was diagnostic disagreement it was the research assessment that was in error ; it should be noted that in some cases the research psychiatrists could not agree among themselves on the diagnosis .
16 In one of these studies the FVC in low birthweight children was not lower than in a reference group .
17 Strange that in a way he would like to be her friend even more than her lover .
18 It seems at first sight strange that in a disposition essentially formless so much time should be spent by the jurists on questions of wording .
19 This surely suggests that in the more distant demes — Eleusis with its great sanctuary and fortifications , or Rhamnous and Sounion with their temples of Nemesis and Poseidon ( ML 53 = Fornara 90B for the treasury accounts of Rhamnousian Nemesis ) — the city 's magnetic pull was less strong than in a deme close to the city , like , say , Kolonos .
20 This success also gave City their first League double of the season , but it was a little ironical that in a game where the respective goalkeepers played a prominent part in keeping it goalless for 70 minutes , an error by the Halesowen custodian should have produced the match winning goal .
21 we witness his growth and personal development , times when he is content and in a lot of cases not content , he relationships with friends and people around him ( and how they get along together ) , but also we see how money and wealth can affect a little boy 's life so suddenly and drastically .
22 In a group there is more acquiescing and in a team there is more commitment ( see Agreeing on page 3 ) .
23 Observers of a mining community in the 1950s noted that ‘ husband and wife live separate and in a sense secret lives … it is a point of honour among men to keep some time for drinking and attending sporting events with their mates ’ .
24 ‘ Both the girl and her boyfriend are extremely upset and in a state of severe shock .
25 He was sharp , alert and in a sense no different from his old self , but he was not — somehow — Li Shai Tung .
26 Tiles can be laid on the diagonal or in a basket weave design to produce handsome effects .
27 Lord McLaren at p309 stated : It seems to me that in such a case the deduction would be no more claimable than in a case where an individual partner having money in many concerns chooses to employ a private secretary for the purpose of keeping an account of his income and his expenditure .
28 ‘ Obviously I would love to get back playing All Ireland League rugby again , but I 've no intention of returning unless I 'm convinced I 'm fully fit and in a position to make a decent contribution .
29 We worked hard and in a month the boat was finished .
30 I mean suddenly we had the example of a women 's support group from the miner 's strike th that we had the idea you know fr from that erm and Yona really put it in a nutshell when she said I think er er you know behind closed doors the women worrying about what was gon na happen next you know they felt very frustrated and in a way it was a way to channel o our energies away i i i it was seen as that really in the beginning you know as a a sort of a more as a way of getting rid of the well y you know the sort of desperation er the impotence one felt of not being able to do anything in this situation and it 's er and by now of course we 've all become as a group very close er you know we 're we 're more like a big family now really an sort of er a lot of the women have never really sort of regularly been to meetings an th the commitment there is very strong really that we all turn up to our Tuesday meetings sort of .
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