Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In 1962 the increase in population had been 1,172 but in the same year only nineteen new houses had been built ; land had to be found for new housing .
2 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
3 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
4 In August to October sales were 0.25 per cent lower than in the previous three months ( after seasonal adjustment ) and 0.25 per cent lower than in the same period a year earlier .
5 This marriage , of which there were no children , was dissolved in 1924 and in the same year he married Edith Dora Hodges , singer , daughter of Joseph Hodges , butcher of Tooting ; they had three sons and one daughter .
6 She made her London début at the Wigmore Hall in 1963 and in the same year sang her first Angel in Gerontius with the Hallé Orchestra , a work with which she became closely associated .
7 She was divorced in 1934 and in the same year she married the journalist Alaric Jacob , in whose Scenes from a Bourgeois Life ( 1949 ) she appears as ‘ Miranda Ireton ’ .
8 On the other hand , over half the holdings remained intact and in the same family possession .
9 In the first 11 months of 1992 Brazil exported 15m bags of coffee — 14% fewer than in the same period of 1991 .
10 ‘ To date this year there have been 172 bomb incidents , 54 fewer than in the same period last year .
11 Since the start of August the UDA/UFF has stepped up its campaign , killing four people within four short weeks and since the start of the year the UVF have killed seven — two fewer than in the same period last year .
12 They were divorced in 1917 and in the same year Gilman married Sylvia Hardy , a former student at the Westminster School of Art .
13 Some of it I find a bit er a bit too obvious but in the same way erm on , on the sociology side , I get a bit angry because I see what society does to people .
14 The provisions relating to abatement of the action on payment within five clear days of all arrears of rent and costs is not applicable where in the same action the lessor is claiming re-entry or forfeiture on a ground other than , or as well as for non-payment of rent .
15 Bell visited Wordsworth in 1811 and in the same year William , Dorothy and Mary taught ‘ Madras ’ in the village school at Grasmere .
16 Lawrence 's masquerade of adjustment involves a projection of his own fears , anxieties , and neurosis which , in the Swift/Celia case , is especially revealing because in the same breath he consciously repudiates the scapegoating process which partly comprises that projection ( pp. 303 — 4 ) .
17 This was much more than in the same period of 1973–75 , slightly more than in 1980 and similar to the decline in the first nine months of the 1981–82 recession .
18 The Chancellor said in the first nine months of 1992–93 the Employment Service found jobs for 31,000 unemployed disabled people , 25 per cent more than in the same period of 1991–92 .
19 Business collapses soared to 46,500 over the past nine months — 40 per cent more than in the same period last year .
20 The brewery , which celebrated its 125th anniversary this year , notched up turnover of £25.7m in the six months to September , £3m more than in the same period last year .
21 That is a lot less than in the same period in 1990 ( 9m man-days ) , but this year those first three months also saw a startling 8% fall in GNP .
22 In the British Medical Journal a Bristol hospital claimed that 24 car drivers were admitted after accidents in February , 18 less than in the same month in 1982 .
23 The appropriately named ‘ squaric ’ acid dianion , CO , was produced electrochemically in 1980 while in the same year , the absorption of carbon monoxide onto metal oxide surfaces was shown to produce oxocarbon mixtures in the absence of water .
24 Chapter 10 explained that although the four macroeconomic objectives listed earlier are each related in some manner to the level of demand , the relationship is by no means uniform or in the same direction .
25 Turnover was £136.5m , 18 per cent higher than in the same period last year .
26 Pfizer reported net profits of $274.7m for the third quarter of 1991 , 13 per cent higher than in the same period in 1990 .
27 Pretax profits of £1.5m were 34% higher than in the same period the previous year , while borrowings amounted to just £156,000 compared with £1.3m in May 1992 .
28 Group sales in the first two months of 1993 were ahead of internal forecasts and substantially higher than in the same period of 1992 .
29 But the £117 million operating profit in this sector in the last quarter of 1992 was 27 per cent higher than in the same period of the previous year .
30 Hakon has disappeared , although the three earls who do sign are the same and in the same order as in S 963 , while the latter 's eight bishops and four abbots are now six and three respectively .
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