Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the purists a bag without a zip is going to be the most efficient at keeping warmth in and will always be lighter than the same bag with a zip .
2 It soon became clear that the same system could be used to ‘ read ’ breast X-rays and uncover the earliest signs of disease .
3 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
4 Professor T , R. Lee said that people were exercised about the dangers to life from railways when they were new , but they were eventually seen as negligible , with the implication for some that the same sequence would happen with nuclear energy .
5 Some items were also tried out with Imperial units and these were often much easier than the same question with metric units .
6 Wyn raised a finger to his lips and said , ‘ I imagine he is afraid that the same spectre haunts him , calling him to Bavduin , that took his friends , Gyonval and the rest .
7 With the former rental is set up at such a rate that the full cost of the equipment is recovered plus a return , whilst with the latter the contract is shorter and the same equipment may be leased to a number of lessees .
8 Where the two offices were united in one structure , Angell and Pownall seem to have given them an equal place on the Foreign Office and War Department lists , no doubt thinking that the implementation of the project would be considerably easier if the same architect were carrying out both offices .
9 Would the Minister find it acceptable if the same sort of windfall profits were made by the beneficiaries of the sell-offs ?
10 Now it is not clear whether the same picture is true of bacteria .
11 It was still lower than the same period last year .
12 One can claim compensation for the dismaying experience of a spoilt holiday : it is strange that the same principle does not apply to the breaking of obligations under employment contracts .
13 Yet it is strange that the same evening Tutilo should be sent for to Longner .
14 True , they have feeble strength and toughness , but with three wounds they are more resilient than the same frontage of Goblins or Orcs .
15 This may be linked to : ( a ) structures of the subject being taught ; ( b ) progression in the number of components of the subject pupils may be expected to have learned in the course of their instruction ; ( c ) the degree of difficulty of typical test items ; ( d ) sequences which correspond to the teaching approaches of the designers of a graded assessment scheme ; 4 all of the items in a test are at a similar or the same level of difficulty ; 5 tests are intended to be taken only when pupils are ready for them ; 6 performance on tests is described in terms of " pass ' and " fail " , rather than a mark or grade .
16 The common objective behind all three projects is to analyse how changes in the society as a whole have a different impact in different areas , such that the same process may come to have very different consequences according to local-level variations .
17 Burrows believes that smacking is as necessary as kissing and cuddling , and finds it ironic that the same kind of arguments about parents not knowing when to stop are used to undermine our instincts in both cases .
18 Acting Detective Superintendent Mick Cox is leading the enquiry he 's been talking to Nigel Bell and telling him they 're convinced that the same girl has made all the phone calls .
19 On the other hand , someone else may be quite convinced that the same convert has been tricked by Satan .
20 A comparison between the third quarter of 1991 and the same period a year earlier , an increase of 44 per cent , shows signs of a slackening in recessionary pressures : between the third quarters of 1989 and 1990 , there was a 64 per cent increase .
21 The suffering of God is not eternal and infinite ; it is human and limited and the same kind of suffering as that of Auschwitz or of cerebral meningitis .
22 Craig Porter made a spectacular goal line clearance from Stephen Galway five minutes from the interval but it proved worthless when the same opponent flicked in number two from the resulting short corner after Andy McBride 's shot had been saved .
23 What number would go into fifty and the same number go into a hundred and fifty ?
24 Sexual acts outside marriage are wrong , whether between those of opposite or the same sex .
25 Precedent has been laid down that cause for separation lies where a spouse resorts to " unnatural practices " with a third party and , perhaps , where a spouse submits to " indecent liberties " by a person of the opposite or the same sex ( Mogg v.
26 If it is proposed to make employees redundant , it is suggested that the vendor should commence consultation with the unions no later than the same time as the statutory consultation period imposed upon him by the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Act 1992 , s188 .
27 Therefore , PCNA may serve as a useful marker for proliferation if the conditions of fixation are held constant and the same antibody is used throughout the experiment .
28 The latter usage in particular is unfortunate since the same term is used to describe the financing of government borrowing by selling debt ( of any maturity ) to the non-bank private sector rather than to banks .
29 Erm , David , that really er is about er four point four , the parallel activity necessary sister companies er to erm make sure that the same message is getting across , and that whatever they are saying to the continental is actually supporting our attempts to er erm become the preferred supplier .
30 His next goal is to walk and we can be sure that the same strength of character will make him achieve that .
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