Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] then [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
2 Since the tournament began , first in Delray Beach in 1985 and then for a couple of years in Boca Raton , the temporary , scaffolding-supported stands have gone with them .
3 During the first three millennia BC , two of the main concentrations of political power of the day , the Assyrian empire and Babylonia , lived in a state of near-permanent warfare , first with one another and then with the Persian kingdom of Elam , which at different times captured both Babylon and Ur and was itself in about 1100 BC laid waste by the Assyrians .
4 Oh there was quite a few and then on the other side there was er , the old reading room where the erm er , building society is it now , what 's there ?
5 John Pemberton was Palace 's genial and gutsy full-back throughout our promotion drive to Division one in 1988–89 and then in The Eagles ' progress to the FA Cup Final and Replay of' 1990 Indeed , his surging run in the semi-final against Liverpool at Villa Park , which took him past several defender s , before he delivered the cross from which Mark Bright put the Palace on terms and on the way to our stunning victory , will probably remain for ever in the memories of those who saw it , even though he impressed enormously in the two Cup Finals against Manchester United 's sophisticated and costly imports .
6 AD develop a much more formal likelihood ratio test of this relationship by estimating the model across all countries with the β i 's unrestricted and then with the β i 's restricted , according to the formula given in equation ( 6.24 ) .
7 The Gresham telescope was demonstrated to Charles II in October 1660 and then at the king 's request was moved to the garden at Whitehall Palace .
8 The sky sort of turns grey and then whitey-blue and then in the end it 's daytime and it 's all sunny .
9 And the whole process is made as simultaneously agonising and amazing as it could be — you labour to give birth , that 's the right word all right , and it 's about as ghastly as possible and then at the end there 's this absolutely wonderful feeling , that the conspiracy has never hinted at , when you hold it and see it and you suddenly realise there 's a whole new emotion you did n't know anything about .
10 Let me just give you a little illustration that might help , you know in thinking of the erm the fusion of the divinity , the divine nature and the human nature , erm is it Clarke Kent , is that the guys name on television , you know the character , you know the guy that walks around you know he 's the boy next door type figure with glasses and all the rest of it , he 's no macho figure that and then in a transformation take place and woof goes flying through the air does n't he , what is he , he 's Batman is n't he
11 And er we used to all do that and then in the week in the weekday
12 They played that and then in the in the and in the evening there was a great lot of er dambor playing if you ken what that is ?
13 The mantle of scapegoat was passed down through Scotland 's goal keeping history from Martin to Haffey , to Kennedy to Rough and then to the most unlikely scapegoat , the Aberdeen and Manchester United goalkeeper Jim Leighton .
14 The more moderate , responsible men and women began to leave in ones and twos and then in a landslide .
15 The major step in agriculture was the opening-up of the rich lands of the Ukraine as Russian rule was consolidated against Turks , Crimean Tatars , and Cossacks , while the establishment of outlets to the Baltic and then to the Black Sea greatly expanded foreign trade .
16 Gold was certainly used as a decorative inlay for bronzes as early as Shang times , but precious metals only began to be highly valued in China comparatively late and then as an outcome of influence from inner Asia and the west .
17 In the New World metallurgy developed comparatively late and then in the main , as we have seen ( p. 3 ) , to satisfy symbolic rather than utilitarian needs .
18 In that office he had to deal first with the Visigothic king Alaric II and then with the Ostrogoth Theodoric I. He was twice accused of treason , but was exonerated on both occasions .
19 This fall in oil production jolted the process of economic management , particularly since the leadership had become accustomed to a high level of revenues after the OPEC price increases , first during the campaign to this end in the early 1970s and then as a by-product of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war .
20 So you , you 'd manage on fifteen thousand but then after the twelve months you 'd most probably want to go up to say seventy five percent of your earnings ?
21 His lithographs of Palestinian villages and of Lebanon , of Tyre and the peninsula of Ras Naqourra , of the temples of Baalbek , are bathed only in the peace of antiquity , a nineteenth-century dream machine that would become more seductive as the decades saw the collapse of the Turkish and then of the British Empire .
22 With the proclamation of the principle of conservation of energy by Helmholtz in Berlin from 1847 and then in a public lecture delivered at Königsberg on 7 February 1854 , the whole range of physical sciences began to take a new shape .
23 Should your goals be made smaller and then into a longer list ?
24 Three times he recalled his favourite , Piers Gaveston , from an exile imposed on him first by Edward I and then by the barons ; the Ordinances , to which the king was sworn in 1311 and again in 1317 , he treated with contempt ; the expulsion of the Despensers , father and son , was reversed almost before it was enforced .
25 For a moment the river was washed with pink and then with a beautiful grey .
26 Bill looks at the Danish and then at the dog , its eyes fixed on the Danish .
27 Basic Stable Management , is designed as an introductory course and students could follow on to the Senior Horsemaster Course 1 and then onto the Senior Horsemasters Course 2 which is an equivalent level of study to the BHS Stage IV .
28 Simultaneously , de Gaulle was pushing his ideas in a parallel series of bilateral meetings , arguing the case with Adenauer in February 1961 and then with the Italian premier in early April .
29 Yeah , but it freezes that quick that when it falls overnight and then by the morning it frozen so hard that you can walk on top of it
30 And er it was salted and then For a few days , and then it was put in what we called brine , s more salt , and covered and it would be there for six weeks .
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