Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] take [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd always been so clean before , so we knew there was something wrong and took him to the vet immediately . ’
2 She would put all the light clothes into one bag and all the dark into another and take them to the launderette in Pevsner Road .
3 Asked about the daring six that took him to his century , Lewis added : ‘ I had got to 90 by attacking the bowling so I was determined to keep playing that way .
4 If , however , such a revaluation were required , say , 20 years hence , the same house in band D would probably remain a band D house , provided that its relative position within the range of property values had not changed so much as to take it outwith the new parameters for that band .
5 We shall come back as quickly as possible and take you to the Hall .
6 She had done better than that and taken it to a jeweller to be plated and put into a mount so it could hang on her chain .
7 The magazine Fair Lady carries an advertisement in which a white woman addresses the reader : ‘ I discuss family planning with my domestic and take her to the nearest clinic .
8 Surely you are saving these and taking them to FOE , Whitehouse Road .
9 Mr McTavish , studying Nails closely , thought the boy was ill and took him into the kitchen and made him a cup of tea .
10 The activities include befriending the elderly or taking them on day trips , re-creating trails and footpaths in National parks , organizing and running barge holidays for mentally handicapped children , and ‘ greening ’ inner cities by developing disused allotments .
11 American game giants , Nintendo cried foul and took them to court in an attempt to ban Game Genie sales in America .
12 JEWKES : O , you are very good , sir , very forgiving indeed , but come , I hope you will be so good as to take her to your bosom and that my tomorrow morning you 'll bring her to a better sense of her duty .
13 It was from KeriKeri I started the two-hour flight in a 152 that took me over Hokianga Harbour on the Tasman Sea , along Ninety-Mile Beach to the northernmost tip of New Zealand , and right above a school of dolphins swimming below me in the crystal-clear Pacific waters of Doubtless Bay .
14 Suddenly he cut me short and took me round the room and made me look at things .
15 I have stopped myself from saying anything as my daughter 's children live round the corner and I have them to stay overnight and take them on a Saturday but they are no bother .
16 Early this year my wife parked her car in the college car park , collected up books , yarns and accessories first and took them into the classroom .
17 ‘ Not if he turned up his shirt-sleeve first and took him from behind . ’
18 I must give you one and take it for her .
19 When the viewers arrive , make sure you have the details ready and take them round room by room as listed .
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