Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
2 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
3 It would appear from Donoghue v. Stevenson and Australian Knitting Mills Ltd. v. Grant [ 1936 ] A.C. 85 that it would be immaterial whether at the time of fault the victim was in existence or not , so long as the victim was a member of a class which might reasonably and probably be affected by the act of carelessness .
4 ( It 's also odd that at no time during the film is Brando seen to strike Harris anyway ! )
5 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
6 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
7 IT IS IRONIC that at a time when the shares of motor traders are dropping like stones , the price at which dealerships change hands has remained steady .
8 It is likely that there was also a sense that higher education on a wider basis could be provided more cheaply outside the universities , though it is likely that at the time any such view would have been based on guesswork rather than hard information .
9 Even if one of the two exceptions applies , dismissal will still be unfair if at the time of the dismissal there was a suitable alternative vacancy which was not offered in accordance with the detailed requirements of the employment protection legislation .
10 The line is now extinct but at the time we arrived they had lived in the castle for some five hundred years .
11 It was very short-lived but at the time it was a bit of a shock .
12 In our squadron was a man I call an elderly because at the time he was about forty to forty five years old and we were all a bunch of kids .
13 I do n't think it 's as simple as that because at the time that we were doing the budget , we were doing it really in September , and most of those other cate categories of work , apart from like auto-offs reports and things , were n't having an impact .
14 Excess is insidious because at the time it seems a bonus but later on it can be an expense that diverts resources from development areas .
15 Veloso said that 5,600,000 people were now displaced or affected by the emergency , 1,000,000 more than at the time of the April appeal .
16 Figures from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys show that the number of voters is significantly less than at the time of the 1987 election , even though the adult population has grown .
17 The congress was attended by over 600 delegates representing some 80,000 party members , approximately 20,000 less than at the time of the 20th congress held in February 1991 [ see pp. 38008-09 ] .
18 Whilst it is accepted that the total provision for the County , erm five hundred and sixteen hectares about twenty five he per cent above the approved plan provision , the County Council considers this is justified on the basis that it provides the most generous level which can be justified on the information which is available and at a time when changes in the distribution of business use are to say at the least unpredictable .
19 I first saw Genesis around 1973 and at the time knew their music very well .
20 The mill purchased by from was built during 1973 and at the time of the take-over was producing around 70,000 tonnes a year .
21 This was successful and at the time of Down 's death it could accommodate 200 patients .
22 More recently , he relocated the Schools Canteen from dingy basement to gleaming mezzanine and at the time of his death had nearly completed his greatest coup .
23 Whereas Guy had only arrived in the Middle East in 1180 and at the time of his defeat had been King of Jerusalem for less than a year , Saladin had ruled Egypt since 1169 and Syria since 1176 .
24 Had Mafart and Prieur simply abandoned the camper and boarded the flight they would have left the country undetected because at the time the police believed they were still driving around the country .
25 The practice is classed as having been professionally marginal because at the time of the research it was new to the town .
26 The number of troops and the amount of equipment of all non-German armed forces stationed in Berlin will not be greater than at the time of signature of the present treaty .
27 It was therefore not surprising that at the time Indirect Rule was rising to ideological prominence an emphasis on recruiting the right people should develop in the Colonial Service .
28 In order that the shelf-life shall be sufficiently long it is necessary that at the time of manufacture , the product shall comply with a specification which sets narrower limits , particularly for those parameters in respect of which the product is least stable .
29 In order for settled property to be excluded from inheritance tax it is necessary that the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made and , in addition , it is necessary that at the time of the relevant charge , eg on the death of a life tenant or when a ten year charge occurs if the trust is a discretionary trust or where assets are appointed out of a discretionary trust , the particular trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom .
30 It was almost a year before it was strictly necessary and at the time there were voices advising delay .
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