Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeltsin announced at the meeting in Minsk on Dec. 30 that the first channel of Central Television would be given over to the Commonwealth , the second would be Russian , the third would be Moscow Television and the fourth would be an educational channel .
2 It is clear that the first year of the scheme has brought a wide range of benefits to patients , and that has been confirmed by independent evaluation by Professor Glennerster at the London school of economics .
3 Oliver 's serenade will introduce us to Vitellia and Sesto , Annio and Servillia , and the Emperor Titus — ‘ and it will be clear that the first couple have a really terrible time , and that the second pair have a really nice time , and that the last gent , the one who does n't get married at the end , has to reconcile the emotions of the other four in himself . ’
4 Applying Lord Bridge 's guiding principles it is clear that the first question to be determined in this appeal is what were the transactions which produced the profit to the taxpayer .
5 Nothing can be more exciting than the first time that you are given some flowers , and particularly red roses .
6 And it was a lot easier than the first time .
7 Also important is the limited availability of alternative sources for retailer 2 once the first agreement is signed .
8 As we saw earlier , in this and the first chapter , this theory holds that things are a combination of form and matter , and it is by appeal to their form that one would hope to explain why things have the properties they do .
9 This seems to indicate that after a fairly steady climb and a certain standstill in the late 1880s , the numbers really took off in the late 1890s and the first decade of the twentieth century .
10 The sense of moral crisis and social discontinuity reflected here was deeply characteristic of late Victorian and Edwardian society , and from the late 1890s until the First World War there was a flood of such accusations against the youth .
11 Lam exhibitions have been mounted this month at The Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid ( until 14 December and then travelling to the Fundació Miró in Barcelona , 21 January–28 March , 1993 ) , the Villa Medici in Rome , the home of the French Academy ( until 24 January 1993 and the first show of the artist 's work in Italy ) and in New York .
12 A blitz start , massed shakos , plumes dancing like a flustered henhouse ; a period of svelte progress recorded in ebullient despatches as the enemy falls back ; then the beginning of a long , morale-sapping trudge with rations getting shorter and the first snowflakes upon your face .
13 Mobbs started work on the project in January 1971 ; in May 1972 the proposal was sent to the CNAA ; it was approved after a one-day visit in November 1972 and the first intake arrived in the autumn of 1973 .
14 William lived on for a further 16 years after that , into the reign of George V and the First World War .
15 Rebecca Rainsford , 23 , of St David 's Road , Eastham , is to play Philostrate and the First Fairy in the production at the Lillian Bayliss Theatre , Sadler 's Wells , London .
16 Canadian producers had faced higher interest rates than those of their US competitors and higher unit labour costs , which rose 15 per cent between 1985 and the first quarter of 1989 , compared with only 1 per cent in the USA for the same period .
17 The policies of the Grand Coalition were planned after August 1967 , by leading CDU and SPD members meeting in the ‘ Kressbronn Circle ’ ( so-called because the first meeting was held in Kressbronn whilst Kiesinger was there on holiday ) .
18 Whereas it was hoped that this would be brought to the Council by the end of November , it may now be into 1993 before the first draft is presented to the Planning and Development Committee .
19 After all Stonehenge was thousands of years old before the first bus-load pulled up .
20 The rule of thumb is this when the first cluster of bubbles is fully formed , sweep them away with a bird 's wing feather .
21 Reich , born in 1897 , was thirty-two years old when the first part of The Sexual Revolution was published in 1929 ; Freud was already sixty-four years old when the notion of the death instincts first appeared in Beyond the Pleasure Principle in 1920 .
22 You were six years old when the First World War began ; later you were to live through some of the worst days of the blitz in Berlin .
23 If advertising is as old as the first caveman who scrawled " Bonzo is the greatest Caveman " across a cave wall , then public relations must have started before Mankind learned to write .
24 One of the major tasks of this chapter , then , will be to examine the different aspects of gender relations in contemporary Britain in some detail , to see if the conditions under which women live are as rosy as the first set of writers suggest , as unchanged as the second school of thought has argued , or some complex mixture of change and continuity .
25 This is to suggest as strongly as possible that the first words written down about anything important are almost never ‘ right ’ — whatever that might mean in this context .
26 The feature in question is that the second half of a parallelistic couplet ( line B ) is often more precise or specific than the first half ( line A ) .
27 These refer to a title set lower than the first line of a page of ordinary text .
28 Unaware that the first tightening tugs on the net around her family 's attackers had begun , Chrissie Stone arrived back at the house at six that same evening , the boot of her small car loaded with supermarket supplies .
29 For example , the first syllable of ‘ poetic ’ is more prominent than the first syllable of ‘ pathetic ’ .
30 It must be considered extremely fortunate that the first preparations of the sodium salt of penicillin , which although of great antibacterial activity contained over 99 per cent of impurities , showed so little toxicity .
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