Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [indef pn] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A man is the history of his breaths and thoughts , acts , atoms and wounds , love , indifference and dislike ; also of his race and nation , the soil that fed him and his forebears , the stones and sands of his familiar places , long-silenced battles and struggles of conscience , of the smiles of girls and the slow utterance of old women , of accidents and the gradual action of inexorable law , of all this and something else too , a single flame which in every way obeys the laws that pertain to Fire itself , and yet is lit and put out from one moment to the next , and can never be relumed in the whole waste of time to come .
2 ‘ But I find it very sad that someone as high up as Mr Pound should castigate a sport he clearly knows nothing about . ’
3 Jarvis , who was taller than anyone else there , said over the top of heads , ‘ They 're not doing any harm .
4 I erm as much as anything else so that we do n't block a fire exit on the gro , on , in the basement .
5 The top management of the division rated one of the departments as creative and innovative and one as very problematic from that aspect .
6 It will make sure that everyone not only tells our customers what we do for them but also why we do it .
7 You must never think you 're better than somebody else just because of that .
8 that 's because , you know , I 'm better than everyone else so that 's why everyone has to see wha everyone , everyone has to hear what I 'm saying
9 ‘ They were very close friends and I think she hurt him more than anyone else ever could , ’ she says .
10 Now , as you can see from the dots , the relationship is n't perfect in that everybody who 's older than somebody else necessarily earns more but there 's a sort of trend or a general pattern So there seems to be a relationship between the variables of age and income .
11 Older than anyone else there .
12 For Pound all dates are important but none more so than the date on the calendar above the critic 's desk .
13 He was plainly as concerned as anyone else there , really concerned , not just professionally .
14 A senior World Health Organisation envoy , Sir Donald Acheson , said in Zagreb that the situation in Srebrenica was ‘ a horror at least one degree worse than anything so far experienced in Bosnia ’ .
15 RECESSION has led to misery for millions but none more so than workers made Redundant and those whose homes have been Repossessed .
16 It was the very same story the time oor Isa sent for the stilettos very much against my advice as it happens but they were supposed to be real made-in-England leather uppers available in three colourways , aubergine , aqua or avocado well , as she said herself she was expecting green but nothing quite as Irish as they turned out in fact to be .
17 It fenced up security-wise and everything else so we 've been on it overtime and and painting and decorating and getting the
18 Is the Prime Minister aware that something far more valuable than the woolly citizens charter was brought before this House recently — a Bill to improve the rights of disabled people — but was talked out by Conservative Members ?
19 It is thus eminently possible for the homosexual sub-culture to inform and , on occasion , dominate virtually every pop style since the 1950s and none more so than in mid-1980s — but still to find itself politically disenfranchised , socially marginal , and vulnerable to attacks from the New Morality .
20 I guess I could use an original if anybody out there has one going spare .
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