Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [num] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 W.H. Chaloner writes that during eight years between '58 & '67 a total of 904 tons of ore were made ready for smelting ; Sir Michael le Fleming , the new Lord , receiving dues amounting to £376 : 15s. : 0d. it is not known where the main ore dressing floor was located but it was probably on the site of the 19th century floors — near the present youth hostel .
2 The kind of dwelling to be had for 7s or 8s a week varies in several ways .
3 Dadda only smoked when he was contented and then he would get through forty or fifty a day , bringing on a cough and staining his fingers yellow-brown .
4 Forty or fifty a day , three gallons of beer , drop dead one of these days — "
5 Forty or fifty a week the Dynmouth woman 's paid . "
6 As few as 2 or 3 a year opt for this method of preserving the memory of a devoted pet .
7 On Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday August 30 and 31 the vintage transport weekend — modelled on the highly popular Enthusiasts ' Weekend in April this year .
8 As a result of the cut-back in production by the steel industry 's customers and the ‘ dumping ’ of subsidized special steel imports , the numbers of people employed in metal manufacture have declined enormously in recent years : between mid-1979 and mid-1983 the reduction in the numbers employed in this sector was greater than in any other sector of the economy ( Department of Employment 1983 : 511 ) .
9 Between 1916–17 and 1927 the setting for this particular drama was the bourgeois educational system of the Third Republic .
10 Between 1965/6 and 1976/6 the number of students in higher education increased by 71 per cent : an 89 per cent increase in the universities and a 58 per cent increase in the polytechnics and colleges .
11 Putting together what we know about girls " apprenticeships — lasting three or four years — and wage rates , it can be deduced that from the age of say 17 until perhaps 25 for those who married , women compositors were doing the equivalent of full-time typesetting for wages that varied between half and two-thirds the adult male wage , depending on whether stab or piece rates are measured .
12 Possible dissonances ( tones ) are well separated , and by becoming sevenths and ninths the strength of conflict is reduced .
13 While the proportion of the population aged 65 + receiving community nursing doubled between 1972 and 1985 the situation for health visiting remained constant .
14 Between 1972 and 1984 the Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) provided financial assistance to industry for mineral exploration in Great Britain through the Mineral Exploration and Investment Grants Act 1972 ( MEG ) .
15 In France , where between 1801 and 1881 the population grew by 40 per cent , the population of Paris grew by 134 per cent .
16 In Cornwall in 1796 , 1801 and 1812 a noose and contract was taken around to farmers , who were threatened with the former if they did not agree to sign the latter .
17 Between 1801 and 1851 the area 's population doubled and it doubled again from 1851 to 1921 , the year that saw the culmination of the first phase of the town 's development as a capitalist urban locality .
18 During 1963–83 and 1984–90 the incidence of malignant disease , particularly lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas , in young people aged 0–24 in Seascale was higher than would be expected on the basis of either national rates or those for the surrounding areas .
19 As in the 1830s and 1840s the discourse of social investigation , circulated by novelists and journalists , social scientists and government commissioners , represented working-class immorality as a major source of anxiety .
20 In lanes 9,10 and 12 the input probe only is seen while in lane 11 a new double stranded product can be seen and is indicated by the arrow .
21 Between 1985 and 2025 the number of pensioners was set to rise from 9 million to over 12 million ; and the total cost of pensions for the public would rise from £17 billion a year to almost £36 billion if pensions were linked with prices and to a colossal £50 billion if they were linked , as Labour wanted , to the higher of either prices or earnings .
22 Between 1985 and 2025 the population of the developing world is expected to increase from 3.7 billion to 6.8 billion , of whom well over half will live in those hotbeds of aspiration and discontent , the cities .
23 But between 1985 and 1989 the holiday accommodation on the Algarve doubled , cramming resorts such as Vilamoura and Quarteira with highrise apartment blocks still shadowed by cranes from building sites .
24 Between 1985 and 1989 the dollar value of exports more than doubled ; planners excitedly began to talk about Korea becoming a creditor nation .
25 Certainly it is one of the few areas of growth : between 1985 and 1990 the advertising spend in Britain grew 75 per cent , but the spend on direct mail grew 101 per cent .
26 If Chlothild waited from the 490s until 523 the feud can not have been uppermost in her mind .
27 Between 1403 and 1502 the number of new foundations fell to 120 and the downward trend continued into the sixteenth century with only thirteen new foundations between 1503 and 1547 , the year of the Chantries Act .
28 Between 1982/83 and 1984/85 the level of taxation remained relatively stable .
29 The coaching stock was six or eight a side compartment type with sliding top lights , it was warm in the carriage by the time the tunnel was reached , so a top light was opened .
30 Central to child-rearing from the cultural point of view , as we have seen , is that by the time he is six or seven the child should have been able to recapitulate within his own personal psychological development the development history of his culture .
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