Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , there is no doubt that Guevarism and other currents of thought have been influential in forcing established Communist parties to rethink their role and recognise the need to be far more responsive than hitherto to the specific circumstances of their own country .
2 But the lifts of the pen came regularly at every fourth letter — Middlemass had never found a forger who remembered to vary the interval at which he lifted pen from paper — and the dot above the i , high and slightly to the left , and the over-emphatic apostrophe were almost a trade-mark .
3 Backpackers need to keep the weight high and close to the back , but ski-mountaineers and climbers need the weight to be kept lower to increase stability , although weighty things should be kept close to the back .
4 As the right leg is lifted on the turn , it should remain high and close to the body .
5 The inedibility of the early land plants to animals and , apparently , fungi led to the great Coal Measures of the Carboniferous and thus to the fuel of the Industrial Revolution and thence the technology for the destruction of those forests ' successors .
6 Cases may be transferred from one family proceedings court to another and also to a county court care centre and ultimately the High Court in certain circumstances .
7 Europe has voted for something new and something greener and closer to the community .
8 The later play 's music-hall element seems strongest when closest to the more daring Sweeney Agonistes , bringing to this distinctly urban form some of the ironic bite which Brecht and Weill had brought to Berlin stages in 1929 .
9 Or was it just possible that right to the end he had believed that she would find out , and come to him ?
10 In any event , we have stressed that the perceptions relate as much or more to the informal context within which teachers and advisory staff work as to formal procedures .
11 Once through it bear slightly right and uphill to a kissing gate and a lane where you turn right .
12 Immediately Alec 's eyes filled with sweat again and he strained to hold the delicate balance of the bucket of fire as it moved lower and closer to the shape carved out of the ground .
13 To control the power keep the sail low and close to the water to decrease its effective area and slide one or both feet into the straps whilst lying in the water .
14 By beating this they could drive themselves through the water but their heavy foreparts must have kept their heads low and close to the bottom .
15 Although most of our Nursery pupils do go on to the Junior and subsequently to the Senior School at Heriot 's , transfer is not automatic .
16 And in the course of each evening numbers rose from a dozen or so to a hundred , and then diminished as people wandered away to supper .
17 Apart from whether the weak transmissions from a pair of £25-sets operating on the American Citizens ' Band FM frequency could have penetrated the thick walls of Blake 's cell , which were reinforced with cast-iron segments , with no external aerial and close to the 17 feet-high perimeter wall , there is also the question of how Blake managed to keep a radio in his cell without it once being noticed over six months during which he and his cell were regularly searched .
18 The conversion was from the left and well to the left , but kicker Missimo Bonomi waited until the charging Irish seven were almost on top of him before sending a high , curling attempt just wide of the posts .
19 By following the punchcard instructions you will be moving the lace carriage sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right .
20 The loose-boxes were set around three sides of a square and away to the right , half-hidden , was a neglected-looking dwelling .
21 In addition , it is the young old — those in their sixties and seventies — who play a major part , disproportionate to their numbers , in the maintenance of voluntary organizations which contribute not only to the welfare of the disadvantaged but also to the cultural activities of the country at large .
22 For example , an employer who , without any attempt at an individual medical assessment , inaccurately pre-judges epileptic applicants for positions as being unable to perform the job , will have treated those applicants as disabled , even though in fact their impairments might not limit their major life activities at all or only to the extent that others react adversely to them .
23 The mantle of scapegoat was passed down through Scotland 's goal keeping history from Martin to Haffey , to Kennedy to Rough and then to the most unlikely scapegoat , the Aberdeen and Manchester United goalkeeper Jim Leighton .
24 The major step in agriculture was the opening-up of the rich lands of the Ukraine as Russian rule was consolidated against Turks , Crimean Tatars , and Cossacks , while the establishment of outlets to the Baltic and then to the Black Sea greatly expanded foreign trade .
25 This is because the least common multiple of 584 and 260 is 37,960 , which is equal to the product of 65 and 584 and also to the product of 146 and 260 .
26 They take it in turns to crouch in a cardboard box — edging it closer and closer to the track .
27 As the disturbance goes more deeply into the organism from the physical to the emotional plane , from the emotional to the mental and finally to the spiritual , it is at the same time becoming higher up in the organism as it is pictured diagrammatically in Figure 3 .
28 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
29 In that sorry , in agriculture when there was a good harvest , prices would fall more than proportionately to the change in quantity .
30 It applies no more nor less to the most personal and transitory goals than to the most general and long-term .
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