Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Second , though before the enclosures of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the pattern of agriculture in this zone was basically a medieval one , it is also true to say that that in most of the rest of England was also medieval or even earlier in appearance .
2 The radial shields are large and contiguous or nearly so in spinea while they are quite small , usually separated and confined to the edge of the disk in hamula. 3 .
3 Miss Harker seemed to walk in a cloud of fragrance — even the air round her was somehow airier and lighter than anywhere else in the musty room .
4 Densu , the largest advertising agency in the world , has asked to handle the entire marketing operations for Japan , where the World Student Games are more popular than anywhere else in the capitalist world .
5 Moreover her rule saw in Russia an unprecedented growth of intellectual life and a flow and expression of ideas more free than ever before in the country 's history .
6 Although much talk went on it was n't until 1876 and then again in April 1892 , that meetings were called to consider " A bridge across the Medway " .
7 It can however be said that the principle of justice , embodied in Martin B. 's judgment in Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 and perhaps also in Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 , and expressed in the dicta of Lord Atkin and Sir Owen Dixon , still calls for attention ; and the central question in the present case is whether your Lordships ' House , deriving their inspiration from the example of those two great judges , should rekindle that fading flame and reformulate the law in accordance with that principle .
8 The cheapest and most generally in use is the descant recorder , although the other members of the family are equally useful , if harder to play .
9 The chief issues that are singled out in this debate are : that the growing proportion of retired people will impose a burden of increasing cost upon a shrinking population of working age in terms of pensions and services ; and the fact that a growing proportion of these will be very old and therefore more in need of medical and other care will make this burden more onerous still .
10 Taji Bey ( Tacizade Cafer Celebi : d. 921/1515 ) who , as a muderris , having reached the Mahmud Pasa medrese in Istanbul , the status of which is uncertain but which was at least a 40-akce medrese , left teaching to become nisanci twice , from 903/1497–8 to 917/1511 and again early in the reign of Selim I , and then Anadolu kazasker In Sha'ban 920/October 1514 , in which post he was executed on 8 Rajab 921/18 August 1515 .
11 There is , in most cases , very little to be gained from Saxon local documents for , as has already been pointed out , bynames were few and far between in pre-Conquest England .
12 If nothing else it will give the landladies of Aldeburgh a chance to turn in an honest penny at a time when holidaymakers are few and far between in Suffolk .
13 Precisely what this means is not clear because presumably even in a socialist state it would have a necessary function in maintaining law and order .
14 In addition , Stemberger notes that lexical items from the closed class are less likely to be involved in sequencing errors ( in which lexical items occur in the wrong order in an utterance ) and in shift errors ( in which an item appears either too early or too late in an utterance ) .
15 ( f ) To support family planning as a health measure in maternal and child health programmes as a way of reducing births that occur too early or too late in the mother 's life , of increasing the interval between births and of diminishing higher birth orders , and by giving special consideration to the needs of those in the postpartum and/or breast-feeding period ;
16 Thus herbage seeds can not be sown as early or as late in the year as the cereals so frequently used as cover or nurse crops .
17 The next Labour Government 's policies in these areas will affect Northern Ireland just as much as anywhere else in the UK .
18 Likewise , increase on the family front is possible and most probably in the form of a marriage .
19 The chimney of the so-called New Mill , built in 1850 and no longer in use , is the most prominent sign of the local industry , with a long flue rising up the hillside from the smelting furnaces some distance away .
20 It grew by 12 per cent in 1971 and slightly more in 1972 .
21 The reason it 's come out in this way is that you had the debate on the er original proposals for this extra money which did n't go as was recommended er and you made a decision on that and then later in the agenda , and I ca n't find the , the exact point now but you had a discussion and a suggestion was made and agreed that if there was any money left over investigations should be made and that the surveyor should give erm consideration Madam Chairman to using any of that , perhaps for a camera , and that was agreed , and it is noted somewhere , and that 's what Mr has done .
22 By the end of 1982 , about 1000 effluent licences were granted , leaving 600 or so still in the hands of local authorities .
23 The income different and social distance between middle class blacks and those classified as poor is now larger than ever before in post-slavery history . ’
24 But never in these and only exceptionally in his ‘ full anthems ’ ( English motets ) does he display the expressive power of his Latin motets .
25 Again the ‘ norm ’ itself is somewhat arbitrary in black and white and still more in colour , where , for example , many actors gain a reddish tone in their hair because the colour is balanced to give ‘ acceptable ’ pinkish/brown skin tones .
26 It seems evident from the widespread popularity of the enactment of the hunt that simple timber arenas were provided in all large and probably even in small settlements , for they were part of the activities at the seasonal festivals .
27 In the extremest form of love of the mirror image , a person does not form a close heterosexual attachment at all , remaining more comfortable and much safer in the love of a member of the same sex .
28 It was then , and still is now , very much an island holiday paradise , but it 's come a long way from what were fairly basic beginnings and in addition to natural beauty can now offer resorts as modern and sophisticated as anywhere else in the Med .
29 Erm if we can just sort of work out in our own minds what , I , I do n't want addresses or anything like that , so do n't say oh I 'll break into number six , or anything like that but just anywhere in the area of Farnsfield imagine houses yourself , is to what sort of type of house we break into .
30 Mr Aird who has visited nearly all the guide 's 5,000 hang-outs reckons beer in Liverpool is between 15p and 20p cheaper than anywhere else in the country .
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