Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I mean what , what psychological characteristics would make one person more groupie than another or more needing or wanting or enjoying belonging to a group than another ?
2 Differs from Black-tailed Godwit at all times in having no white on wings , in feet scarcely projecting beyond tail in flight and in summer in having reddish vent Legs somewhat shorter than both curlews and Black-tailed Godwit ; bill slightly curved upwards at tip .
3 The Shah resented this and subsequently noted that during Kennedys presidency there was " increased US intrigue against our country . "
4 I realized what a marvellous actor he was when I saw him in this and only wished that he had n't relied so much on the funny voices and hidden behind the easier way out of doing the characters that he could do so easily — and it was easy for him .
5 I could not understand this and only knew that I was angry .
6 But you can believe this and still insist that love is our only hope .
7 In taking this position , the bishops were also following the lead of Pope John Paul II who , on his visit to Ireland in 1979 had argued : ‘ Divorce , for whatever reason it is introduced , inevitably becomes easier and easier to obtain and it gradually comes to be accepted as a normal part of life ’ ( 1979 ) .
8 Slingsby first visited Norway in 1872 and soon discovered that he was in a country with whose inhabitants he had almost everything in common ; where the language was familiar to him from the vocabulary surviving in the Yorkshire dales , and where the temperament and customs were akin to his own .
9 She now does yoga , and says that for the first time in her life she wakes up feeling calm and generally finds that thinking positively works .
10 They 'd gone through the big field and up on to the common and the slope beyond which was where the wall was , half-ruined and easier to jump because of the gaps .
11 Or should one take a middle road , trying to understand what goes wrong and then deciding whether it is easier to prevent or to cure ?
12 A staple gun is often quicker and safer to use than a hammer and nails .
13 The science may be old and well established as in mechanics , or novel as in biochemistry .
14 Their toys would fade or break , their pets would die , and they themselves would grow up and get old and surely follow if they did n't knuckle under and live their lives in dread and apprehension of the Holy Spirit .
15 Indeed fluidity — of both form and texture is perhaps the chief characteristic of a type of music so free and richly varied that it defies definition .
16 Aged twenty-one and just commissioned when the Cigognes moved to Verdun , he had first leapt to fame the previous summer when , as a Corporal , he had despatched three German planes in a morning .
17 The Old English Pearmain , recorded in 1204 and so named because of its pear-like shape , was the main dessert apple until well into the eighteenth century .
18 We have found this erroneous assumption held by some and therefore hope that our recommendations will go some way to dispel it . ’
19 Her boyfriend was not interested and later denied that she had told him anything about it .
20 It will become more pliable and easier to cut and fit .
21 I am delighted to find you have been so successful in your Expedition : I heartily pray you may continue so to the end and safely return to Old England : I am much pleased too at hearing your health has not been affected in the slightest degree : pray be careful and never forget that upon your safety , hinges the welfare of numbers . ’
22 The new FKW tool free modular system axe and hammer come with S-shaped shafts and should be lighter and better balanced than the original FKWs .
23 He continued to assert that he would not live beyond the age of forty and even implied that he would take steps to ensure this .
24 In the 1780s , when Highgate Hill was so steep and deeply rutted that carriages regularly failed to make the grade , and the drive to town sufficiently dangerous that a wise man went with pistols , a merchant called Thomas Roxborough had constructed a handsome house on Hornsey Lane , designed for him by one Henry Holland .
25 I replaced this but then noticed that the fuel and temperature gauges were not working .
26 Some libraries want their own library group others are quite happy to be joined in with one or more libraries within the adjoining group and the constitution does in fact provide that investment wish what we have n't said what those who should be at maximum membership membership and to their claim will common sense not to make it too large otherwise it might turn out to be more than than sensible discussion among a reasonable amount of people but this but then to decide that equally to encourage them to ah find ways and means of the public other than library users who will be represented on the committee and to that .
27 Figure 5.3 shows support for the Equal Rights Amendment ( ERA ) to the United States Constitution , proposed in 1972 but never ratified because although it passed through both houses of Congress it did not receive the positive vote of three-quarters of the State Legislatures within seven years , as required by the Constitution .
28 Arsenal 's breaks were few but always threatening and Oldham , after a first flurry , found openings increasingly elusive .
29 The C.-in-C. of the Army , Gen. Hérard Abraham , was dismissed on July 2 but later claimed that he had retired " for personal reasons " .
30 Are they like heavy colds — something unpleasant but best ignored as they will soon go away ?
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