Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its corresponding defects were that it was almost insignificant in Europe , retained out-of-date weapons adequate only for colonial use , and paid little attention to training its senior officers for large-scale operations .
2 After 1574 there was little money to be had from Antwerp in any case , and Elizabeth had to rely upon domestic resources , which were adequate only for private borrowing .
3 Nevertheless , the rewards of finding satisfactory solutions are high enough for experimental work to be continued .
4 And it must be seen to work well , which requires the system to be transparent enough for public scrutiny to take place .
5 Although telephone speech is acoustically limited — the frequency range is sharply reduced at both ends — both Labov and Nordberg report that it is sufficiently clear even for instrumental analysis .
6 Most poles are flexible with several short sections shock-corded together for quick assembly .
7 As we understand more about a text 's specific historicity , how it emerged from a distinctive social embedment , we might expect it to be unavailable sometimes for current employment .
8 Sadly , teaching of languages in schools has not kept pace with the relevant technological advances , but we find now that it is almost never necessary to recruit an individual specifically for linguistic skill .
9 Rarely does such a window on the daily activity of scientific researchers and their ideas open 90 widely for public view .
10 The presence of the continuous parameter v and the space derivative a/az clearly endows the Maxwell-Bloch system with a phase space amply large enough for chaotic behaviour : our first priority is to constrain the phase space by examining various idealised limits .
11 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
12 Most diamonds are brown or yellow with little visual appeal and are fit only for industrial use .
13 The Vistula is so full of pollutants that its waters are unfit even for industrial use along 80 per cent of its total length .
14 Ten patients ( nine women ) had been taking NSAIDS — in two this consisted of just occasional aspirin and five took an NSAID regularly for rheumatoid arthritis .
15 The outbreak of war found the Army wearing uniforms which had evolved during the Indian Wars , and which were unsuitable both for tropical campaigning , and for the dawning age of modern warfare .
16 But the overall shape of some kinds is distinctive enough for quick recognition — the large spiriferid brachiopod shown on Plate II is unlikely to be confused with any other , and brachiopods of this type are abundant in the Carboniferous limestone .
17 The performance is easily good enough for heavy-duty disk intensive applications such as databases and large graphics applications , as well as Windows 3.1 work .
18 Critics good , very good , but not good enough for biased spouse .
19 In most cases a 9.6 volt or 12 volt drill will be powerful enough for serious woodworking , such as repeated drilling and screwdriving operations without rapid discharge of the battery .
20 It 's going to be a bum deal all through for poor Cliffy .
21 This doctrine strove above all else for visual effect .
22 If it was possible to do that in the past , it should be possible now for British Rail to design relatively cheap crossing facilities .
23 More important perhaps for regular consultation are the vast array of interest and pressure groups that coordinate opinion on separate issues , or who are consulted continuously in permanent opinion gathering bodies , or who are asked to participate in Advisory Commissions on specific issues like Public Administrative Reform .
24 He states that few sheep are reared … and those only for domestic consumption .
25 He states that few sheep are reared … and those only for domestic consumption .
26 Up to about 10 per cent of tin gives an alloy that is red to gold in colour and ductile enough for easy shaping by hammering , provided that the alloy is annealed ( heated to remove internal stresses ) .
27 Anticoagulant drugs safe enough for long term use to help prevent heart disease are under development by almost every drug company , Huber said .
28 In addition , a chemically inactivated virus is unlikely to be safe enough for human use because of concerns that some live viral particles would survive the chemical treatment .
29 Whether these agents will be safe enough for clinical use in man remains unknown .
30 The simple story of a mentally handicapped child or adult growing up would not be considered dramatic enough for fictional representation ; the drama must focus on a series of events which create a larger than life situation , which will play on the emotions of the viewers .
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