Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] to [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Politics must play a major role in any decision — but how long can the organisers afford to defer their verdict on whether the country is stable enough to stage World Cup 1995 ?
2 so that was n't strong enough to shovel coal ?
3 I am beckoned , ‘ You must take this down to desk number twenty-three .
4 She was ever watchful , and careful not to court publicity .
5 For reasons which are both obscure and immaterial , there was considerable delay in this report coming to the attention of the local authority having the care of J. When in January 1992 it did come to the authority 's notice , Dr. I. was asked to provide a further up to date report and in addition the authority obtained a second opinion from Dr. R. , a consultant paediatric neurologist with a London teaching hospital .
6 A 10ft long mains lead and a 12ft steam hose made it easy to reach high up to ceiling level and far away from the socket outlet .
7 He gets shirty with Sir Burke Trend because of the impersonal way in which the Cabinet Minutes are prepared : ‘ I pointed this out to Burke Trend and I said , ‘ Harold ca n't have said this . ’
8 Quite apart from the fact that they find it very interesting , I think that people outside the university would be pleased to know that a course of such down to earth practical is taught in a place which they sometimes regard as being rather airy fairy .
9 Cancer is the second biggest killer in Northern Ireland , second only to heart disease — itself caused largely by smoking .
10 Colorectal carcinoma ranks second only to lung cancer in men and to breast cancer in women in the United States .
11 In the 1930s fishing and fish-processing were second only to Smiths Dock as an employer and the total engaged rose to 3000 at one point .
12 Lotus reports a 50% increase in sales and a total market share of 27% , second only to Microsoft Word for Windows .
13 There are those where mission critical business decisions can only be made based on absolute up to date information .
14 We dog-legged out to Pigeon Point Fort , which had defended the island rather unsuccessfully in years gone by : it changed hands 20 times , mainly between Britain and France .
15 Central however to correspondence tuition is the marking of the students ' test material .
16 APPs are mostly money purchase schemes , that is , they do not have a guaranteed final pension , unlike most occupational pension schemes , nor are they index-linked up to retirement age , unlike SERPs .
17 It 's all down to Sandtoft experience and expertise .
18 The M1 was closed from junction 4 down to Staples Corner until the Cup Final began .
19 I 'm not stupid enough to risk taking hold of your muddy paw now ; you 'll pull me in too ! ’
20 There have been 47 cases of the cable chafing on the power steering pump pulley on the right-hand drive vehicles manufactured from May 1992 up to chassis number p818990 , but no reported accidents , the company said .
21 He despises the human race and the combinations that make it tick ; the human race in its present state , he 'd qualify — he 'd like to send us all back to nursery school — so he has to behave as unlike his fellow beings as he can . ’
22 It is unlikely that there is a transition between the minor forms and the major ones : indeed , there seem to be fundamental differences between the two ( Mabbutt , 1977 ) , including the fact that the minor forms , being due mainly to surface creep , have the coarser grains in the ridges , while the larger forms , due mostly to saltation , tend to have the finer material near the crests .
23 It is quite normal of course to have a rapid weight loss of several pounds in the first week due mainly to water loss ( our bodies are 70 per cent water ) .
24 Er , sir , at the risk of straying slightly into into two B , you , do forgive me in advance , but you raised the specific point about size , and and erm there was er one or two statements that there is n't a a clear view on size in P P G three , I think it 's important to bear in mind the interrelationship between all P P G s and as Mr Curtis said , the research that that backs them up , and I I I point you to three quotes in the statement that C P R E have put in , erm i i i paragraph four point one seven , an and s the quote that attaches to that is taken from the research that erm er backs up draft revised P P G thirteen , transport , and erm I shall quote from that on this question of size , i it is also evident that smaller settlements , those with populations of less than fifty thousand , but particularly very small settlements are characteristically less transport emissions efficient than larger settlements , I think the the erm essence of of that particular piece of research is not as Mr Davis was implying to achieve totally self contained settlements , I do n't believe such a concept exists , it 's actually erm a planning land use in the long term to reduce C O two emi emissions something that is essential now to government policy , I think perhaps more instructive though is is the quote that I 've in included in paragraph four point one nine and that 's taken from er er this book here which I perhaps should submit the whole chapter in evidence to the panel , I 've only just included one quote , it 's it 's I suggest one of the more interesting reads that you may have as a result of this panel , it 's by Colin Ward , and it 's called New Town , Home Town , it 's undertaken by er , sorry includes some of the work that 's been undertaken by the University of Reading , erm and er David Lock Associates , on erm er new town research , and this this is due to be published by H M S O shortly , it 's unfortunate that it was n't available in time for this E I P , but I think erm , if you 'll bear with me , I will read out the quote that I put in four point one nine , because I feel that it is useful on this question of of size , we concluded that if you are interested in environmental impact , energy conser consumption , and sustainability , new settlements have to reach a certain size to be worthwhile , it 's parallel to the old arguments that used to take place around self containment in new towns , we found that new settlements of much less than five thousand houses , that 's about fourteen thousand people are not really worthwhile because if they are smaller than that you are simply putting a housing estate in the countryside , a phrase that that has already been put round this morning , it appears that the best minimum for a new settlement , the best minimum , is about ten thousand houses , that 's that 's twenty five thousand people , which as it happens is about the size of the original garden cities .
25 47 Tucanæ ( NGC 104 ) is inferior only to Omega Centauri .
26 In Eliot 's poem the status of God as objet d'art is stressed ( ‘ And there above the painter set / The Father and the Paraclete ’ ) so that for all that we may penetrate beyond that either to gesso ground or vestiges of primitive fertility ceremony , the ultimate point of origin , the postulated God , is to be explained simply in terms of sexuality , or else remains unreachable and inexplicable .
27 Posters , magazines , even songs , held out the prospect of Arcadia within travelling distance of the metropolis — a detached house in leafy seclusion , but close enough to golf club , tennis club , and railway station .
28 As in London , the civil authorities were anxious not to court unpopularity by exacting vengeance on the twelve seamen ultimately arrested .
29 Rover has spent 18 months restyling the bodywork to give the car a more chunky up to date look .
30 From that date , warehousing will be available for imports of non-Community goods which are liable only to import VAT ( p 108 ) .
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