Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and er I was wondering if Freud did that or if that 's what Freud was saying , that , that , that religion by nature must be repressed or that a minority as the nature of minority is , is er it works harder when it 's repressed or it can become stronger .
2 I feel that we rely too much on the present state of affairs , too much on uniformitarianism , when interpreting the fossil record , especially in those groups that are now completely extinct or but a shadow of their former selves .
3 We can deduce from this that if a guard g is used to guard two different processes , then whenever that guard becomes ready either copy may be activated , the choice being invisible to the environment .
4 Mr. Howell then argues backwards from this that if a school is over-subscribed so that section 6(3) ( a ) is in point , there is a duty not to have regard to preserving the school 's character in deciding priorities because the only permissible way of taking that into account is by section 6(3) ( b ) .
5 It should be noted that the definition of " settlement " in TA 1988 , s681(4) is applied to the overseas capital gains tax regime in TCGA 1992 , s97(7) and it is clear that before a settlement can exist under that code ( which excludes s86 ) there must be an element of bounty ( IRC v Plummer 54 TC 1 ) .
6 Secondly , since Rookes v. Barnard there has been considerable development in the contractual context of the doctrine of ‘ economic duress , ’ and in this context it is clear that although a threat to break a contract is ‘ illegitimate ’ it will not amount to duress unless it goes beyond commercial pressure and amounts to ‘ coercion of the will . ’
7 The COB Rules make it clear that where a firm manages a collective investment scheme , such as a unit trust or limited partnership , the customer of its investment management activities is the scheme itself and not the investors .
8 The Court was of the opinion that section 133 did not apply to the activation of the suspended sentence , as it was clear that when a sentencer activated a suspended sentence he did not ‘ impose ’ the sentence for the purpose of section 133 .
9 It should be clear that if a child is placed in an ethnically insensitive white community he or she will fail to develop the mechanisms necessary to survive in a racist society .
10 British law is clear that if a person causes an injury in this way rather than in retaliation , they can be found not guilty .
11 Looked at from a White House perspective , it is clear that if a president is to be effective in achieving his objectives he needs unity and discipline within the executive branch .
12 It is clear that if a method of examining use is to be devised which does not lean entirely upon the librarian 's judgement , that method must be sophisticated enough to take into account the many variable factors .
13 It can , however , no longer be assumed that that is so , and in any case it is not clear that if a clergyman wishes to stand and electors wish him to represent them the mere fact that the churches do not like the idea has anything to do with matter .
14 I 'm against rape but definitely if a woman er goes to a man 's bed then it 's quite er er sensible that if a man expects to have sex with that woman .
15 Although some of the West 's Arab partners have hinted that they might be able to live with this and that a settlement of the Arab-Israeli dispute and the Palestinian issue is no longer at the top of the Arab agenda , this is unlikely to hold true for long .
16 The woman thought about this and after a moment looked up at Hari with venom in her eyes .
17 She was amused at first and then became grave and after a pause said : ‘ Of course , he 's perfectly right . ’
18 Following the menopause , hair texture becomes very coarse and if a woman has a predisposition to genetic hair loss , or her hair has been thinning , this can be a crucial time .
19 Their mechanical problems merely require diligent examination , but stress levels are high and because a helicopter 's wing must rotate to maintain lift it is terribly unforgiving of anything less than good design , careful maintenance and skilful piloting .
20 Questions have arisen as to whether the use of the word " fair " as a characterisation of the price of the shares to be determined by the auditors makes their task any different and whether a valuation can be challenged on the ground that the price is not fair .
21 Trent was unable to read from the map for what distance the banks remained steep but if a fall had blocked off the riverbed then the banks had to be steep right up to where the new river cut away from it .
22 In relation to the question of the position of women , it would follow that , since — it is thought — the new testament does not allow the headship of a woman , and through the fact that women did not exercise headship in that society , that a woman should be head of state is as wrong as that a woman should exercise headship within the church .
23 Nothing is more annoying than when a dole queue fan shells out six pounds for a ticket to a show which is nothing but a huge yawn for the artist involved .
24 It is possible that if a metaphor ceases to mean what it used to mean in another society then we should abandon it .
25 Then , when I remarked it was strange that when a person was in trouble , one forgot at once any little grudge one had against them , so that bearing grudges must be only skin-deep , my friend disagreed : she thought the change of heart was because one was willing to be magnanimous when at advantage , having the upper hand .
26 They are highly social , congregating in groups as large as 500 , and the bonding between members of the herd is so strong that if a pilot or lead whale beaches itself , the rest of the herd will often follow , creating a mass stranding .
27 ( c. 36 ) Whereas outside the realm , the king needed warning of any rebellion by subject peoples , or any imminent attack , " inside the realm [ the vital point was to find out ] if the people ( populus ) in any part , region or corner of the realm was in a state of disturbance , then what was the cause of it , and if a complaint of the people was becoming serious or if a noise was being made about some injustice about which it was necessary for the general assembly to deal " .
28 Putting it crudely , a core of knowledge , such that if a student knew certain facts , he could be said to have reached a certain standard .
29 But it 's the nature of the offence as such that if a soldier is bullied , he 's unlikely if he wants to stay in the Army , to bring it to the attention of the authorities , because he know that afterwards he has then to live with the people who he 's complained about .
30 In all three areas the impact upon the third party of the actions of other actors is beyond the control of the former ; indeed from its perspective it may be of little import whether the behaviour of other States inter se is consensual or coercive , until the degree of coercion becomes such that as a member of the international community it must recognise and respond to an illegal act .
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