Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] in a " in BNC.

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1 The wheel , of 16 feet diameter , and most of the machinery is still intact although apparently in a poor state of repair .
2 Recently such movements have involved up to 960 birds in one spring , and movements of 100 or more in a day are almost annual events ; 488 flying east off Beachy Head on 19 April 1976 is the largest single movement noted so far .
3 It is more helpful to meet real people who have come to terms with their lives , than to wander around lost and alone in a maze of fantasies .
4 Where , on the other hand , the third estate was still weak and only in a budding stage at the beginning of the nineteenth century , as in Germany , Italy , and among the Slavonic peoples , nationalism found its expression predominantly in the cultural field .
5 Both dishes may taste scrumptious and once in a while wo n't do you any harm , but foods like that eaten regularly are no basis for a healthy diet .
6 Let me just give you a little illustration that might help , you know in thinking of the erm the fusion of the divinity , the divine nature and the human nature , erm is it Clarke Kent , is that the guys name on television , you know the character , you know the guy that walks around you know he 's the boy next door type figure with glasses and all the rest of it , he 's no macho figure that and then in a transformation take place and woof goes flying through the air does n't he , what is he , he 's Batman is n't he
7 But look closely through those softly parted , glossy lips and you 'll notice the perfect teeth set hard and fast in a calculating smile .
8 We asked her mother who , in spite of being Jewish and already in a precarious position , did not hesitate for a moment .
9 ‘ I 'm sure that once in a while we can be in the same kitchen without explosions occurring , do n't you agree ?
10 The more moderate , responsible men and women began to leave in ones and twos and then in a landslide .
11 A few days after that Norman Prince , the founder of the Lafayette , flying long and late in an attempt to avenge Rockwell , hit a high-tension cable as he came in to land in the dark .
12 There are also several economic unions which operate more or less in a bloc-like manner .
13 However , a stipulated time for delivery is likely to be more important and therefore in an ordinary commercial transaction a delivery date is normally ‘ of the essence , ’ Hartley v. Hymans ( 1920 K.B. ) .
14 Zena a Kurdish representative in London says the two are safe and well in a secret guerilla camp .
15 Branches lay across the mouth of a pottery urn , their budding twigs stiff and still in a difficult death .
16 With the proclamation of the principle of conservation of energy by Helmholtz in Berlin from 1847 and then in a public lecture delivered at Königsberg on 7 February 1854 , the whole range of physical sciences began to take a new shape .
17 Children who were presented with a nonsense syllable alongside more and less in a variety of contexts made it contrast with more and less by adding or subtracting much smaller amounts ; by adding or subtracting everything ; by introducing some quite different manipulation ( stirring , flicking , rolling , tossing up and down , mixing both piles together ) , and so on .
18 Yet , despite an increase of spending on health in the UK from 3¼ per cent of national income in 1948 to over 6 per cent ( of a much larger national income ) forty years later , it is alleged that the NHS is underfunded and periodically in a state of near collapse .
19 Lightning flashed again as the monstrous shape outside seemed to launch itself head first and downwards in a mad and frenzied lunge at the aperture .
20 There stood the Shah , impeccable as ever in a well-cut grey suit and rather loud time ramrod straight , his face , always , expressionless before the cold white stare of his father .
21 It was almost a relief when the door opposite suddenly opened and Ettore Di Leonardo appeared , immaculate as ever in a dark suit and sober tie .
22 this one was the biggest and best in a long while … for the first time in 30 years it was open to professionals as well as amateurs and drew in two former world champions in Tony Doyle and Danny Clark and three Milk Race winners in …
23 I had told her that Ivy had had luncheon with Olivia Manning , and had written : ‘ She is always the same and always in a circle of the lettered .
24 So important is this factor in shaping the evolution of man that Freud , in a number of places in his works , 9 but principally in a footnote to Civilization and its Discontents , comments at length on the way in which the adoption of an erect posture in man produced what he termed an ‘ organic repression ’ which paved the way for civilization .
25 They may each act alone and without the agreement of the other but not in a way which is incompatible with the order ( s2(7) ( 8 ) ) .
26 But he was there waiting and looked more handsome than ever in a grey suit with a white shirt .
27 The swine looked even more attractive than ever in a black open-necked polo shirt and black jeans .
28 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
29 Well I do n't think they 'll like this one little bit will they , I mean the players are out there practising at the moment , they look very smart as well in an all blue tracksuit erm and erm obviously a club colour and they look very smart indeed , er but er the journalists do n't like it and I do n't think the players will like it very much either .
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