Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is this where I make the noble suggestion of keeping away at weekends to leave you free to sail as much as you want ? ’ he demanded .
2 A small proportion of the absorbed light will sometimes be re-radiated and it is this that we term the fluorescence .
3 ‘ We have made it clear that we accept the principal Father Caden is talking about . ’
4 Whether or not this is true of all of us , it is clear that we have the ability to react , when the situation demands it , to the unspoken sound of a written text .
5 If ever a comparative survey of the I.Q. of the nations of the world was undertaken , there would be no particular surprise if we came top of the league table : It is as clear that we have the ability to solve our problems as to win the only battle that really counted in World War II — the last one !
6 Those housewives who ‘ do n't mind ’ ironing make it clear that they dislike the task itself , yet have found conditions under which it becomes bearable .
7 Once the assumptions of the perfect market model are dropped it becomes clear that they have the capacity to safeguard these interests , manifested in a sluggishness of response , if not outright resistance , to changes in what consumers actually want , or might want if they were aware of the full range of possible alternatives .
8 From your letters , it is clear that you enjoy the magazine and like what we are doing .
9 ‘ I am extremely annoyed about it and I want to make it clear that I find the policies of the British National Party abhorrent .
10 It does n't seem to me sensible that I have the masters of the quality manual , master lists of procedure holders and so on because
11 Look , funny that they print the .
12 Don Sargent 's diagrams of Great Zawn in particular , are excellent and should help demystify areas like this so they achieve the popularity they deserve .
13 A course plan will be displayed — check this so you know the rough direction of the course .
14 Can I assume as you did not reply to Pat Gaudin 's memo of 28 June 1993 that you want the Infosheet on Services to People with Mental Health Problems withdrawn from the Infopack ?
15 An obvious method is to advertise but be careful that you aim the right kind Of advertising in the right direction , otherwise it is money badly spent .
16 As the difficulties in holding to it become clear so we examine the exact opposite — its antithesis .
17 With luck , their homes would not be burgled and any disputes that might subsequently arise over their property would be swiftly resolved on production of those impressive-looking deeds , some of them so old that they bore the colophon of the Sublime Porte .
18 A hard , dry , rasping cough , exhausting ; so painful that they suppress the cough .
19 It is not fortuitous that they follow the railway lines from Petrograd and Moscow .
20 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
21 We can appreciate one reason for this if we examine the question , not from the viewpoint of symptoms used to try to distinguish schizophrenia from affective psychosis , but by looking at the underlying psychological processes that are responsible for the two states .
22 We can test this if we compare the human character of Jesus to our own personalities , as we saw them in chapter one .
23 At Faringdon 's , the singers stood on chairs but I do not usually do this if I sing the song with children .
24 You need a television , yeah , but you need a special special dish erm in Eurostep 's own publicity — I looked at this and they say the programme is available with , you know , sort of cheap and readily available sort of satellite dishes .
25 Either that or we write a couple of variations on the end of this and we say the general access conforms to this but in their case , the other one is pre-booked , the extras and they have a booking schedule .
26 Drink more than this and you run the risk of developing high blood pressure , which in turn can lead to heart attack or stroke .
27 ‘ I know you 're not a jewel thief , Mandy , but I also know you sometimes act impulsively , thinking it 's OK to do something that 's wrong if you have the right motive . ’
28 Now be careful cos you give the speed in metres per second .
29 The relation between the effects of habituation and those implied by the Pearce — Hall model can perhaps be made clear if we adopt the elaboration offered by Liddell ( 1950 ) of Pavlov 's notion of the orienting reflex .
30 As Bukharin pointed out : ‘ The limits to the applicability of these categories will become instantly clear if we define the basic conditions of existence for the real relationships which correspond to them ( i.e. , to these categories ) . ’
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