Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Summarising prospects for a US-Soviet summit , Baker said : " I think we are right where we were the last time . "
2 Our audiences are clear that we are the most trusted source of information and news in Britain .
3 Only when , in April , Elizabeth made it clear that he was the one Marian exile who would not be welcomed back to England did he accept the inevitable and come to Scotland .
4 Paula was making it clear that she was the boss and that Baker had to do as he was told — whether sailing her yacht or sipping drinks .
5 I wore the shantung tea-gown and a gold circlet round my forehead to make it clear that I 'm the Queen .
6 Reading between the lines it becomes clear that it is the address which was recorded , in a studio re-creation to cash in on the President 's assassination .
7 Even when parents strongly disapprove of the way their teenager is behaving , it is still important to make it clear that it is the behaviour and not the person that is being rejected .
8 ( From here on , the use of the capital ‘ G ’ for ‘ god ’ will make it clear that it is the Created God that is meant and not ‘ god ’ in any of the historic meanings of that word ) .
9 It is therefore clear that it is the nature of the EM field that organizes the growth of tissue .
10 Despite the assurances of the prosecuting counsel , the next day the headlines certainly gave a different picture , although the newspapers do make it clear that it is the rapist 's account — Zoe stripped as we talked , claims rapist ( Daily Mail ) ; RAPIST SAYS VICTIM ZOE STRIPPED OFF ( Star ) .
11 It is clear that it is the presence of imperfect information transmission that smooths the abrupt deterioration in reputation .
12 While not denying that this has an important role to play in any science , it is not clear that it is the method responsible for the discovery of natural laws .
13 But Downing Street made it clear that it was the Cabinet which set the £244.5 billion spending target — and it can increase that figure if it wants to .
14 To us it is clear that it was the forms of social organisation in which such evidence was carried that gave them this quality and not the intrinsic nature of the evidence itself .
15 It is clear that it was the sexual context ( and in particular , despite the judge 's protestations to the contrary , the gay sexual context ) of the ‘ assaults ’ that provoked Judge Rant 's ruling against consent being used as a defence and the harsh sentences which followed .
16 ‘ Of course , ’ said Pooley , ‘ it is conceivable that it was the work of some servant or ex-servant with a grudge against the committee , but it seems so unlikely as to be hardly worth considering .
17 ‘ Do n't you think they 'll think it funny that you 're the one taking me to his home , and not Travis ? ’
18 I think they 're often afraid that they 're the only ones feeling that way .
19 The convention has been largely moribund since the general election , but Labour is insistent that it is the only cross-party forum in which it will take part .
20 It 's quite interesting that it 's the theatre that 's doing it , I was on a course last week in Sussex , a management course and there was Bradford theatre companies were there erm , from all the different theatres and they , they organize it and they organize the volunteers
21 If the Minister checks ’ Erskine May ’ , which I can gladly provide for him , I believe that we can reach common ground on this if there is the will to do so .
22 Did the latest modelling confirm this and what is the next best alternative in terms of capability .
23 And erm he he said it 's stupid , he said they were given all this and it 's the homework it 's nothing to do with the revision you 've got to do in his the exams !
24 Because the water is filtered clear and we are the only zoo in the UK to have the underwater viewing facility , it was easy to spot the pregnant female and keep a check on her progress throughout gestation .
25 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
26 And then there was a study into and area of Belfast where most of the men were unemployed and it was the women who were going out to work in the factory and it was found to be the other way round , and the women spoke more of a non-standard than the men did when the men were staying at home .
27 Scent 's fresh and there are the ends of those little white sticks that they burn in their mouths .
28 ‘ Would n't it be funny if I was the next Lady Mellor ? ’ she giggled to a friend in the heat of her affair with the Cabinet Casanova .
29 I liked the sound he was getting and so I got some and they are the ones I 'm still using now . ’
30 This is not to say that the one is better than the other , music and poetry are for ever different and it is the difference that accords us the added joy .
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