Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the future , Suffolk people will reflect on this decade and they will find it strange that at a time when environmental issues were more prevalent than ever both county and borough councils made such an effort to be seen to be environmentally friendly , that so much development took place on the green belt of Ipswich .
2 As the original trophy , 113 years old and now so wafer thin it can be easily dented , was taken away to be placed in the Ulster Museum , nostalgic thoughts flashed through the mind of many great Cup finals , of glory and tragedy , jubilation and disappointment .
3 The third part is perhaps something that erm , we find a little more difficult , I do found that er number two , number three and number four if you were n't careful blends very much into one another and actually then part three as far as I 'm concerned actually putting across the benefits is really the main part I think and that really is putting into everyday English what we know as professionals as in technical terms , cos if you go and talk to somebody whatever it is , they have n't got a clue we have , we talk about it all the time and I think the biggest criticism of the insurance industry as a whole is the fact that you do n't talk to people in English and that 's why it 's got such a foot in the door and I think the third part for me really is the most important part of the sales process , relating our cock-ups in English , the benefits the client .
4 The traditional system suppliers such as VBS with their Beacon system and Genigraphics were few and far between while Matrix , now part of Agfa , was the dominant supplier of medium-priced film recorders .
5 But that other ‘ landscape ’ , quieter perhaps , but like an underground stream , unconscious and very persistent , never failed to obtrude itself on him : ‘ It is strange that even now prayer is my natural language , ’ he said , in ‘ Lines From My Grandfather 's Journal ’ ( The Spice-Box Of Earth , p10 ) which powerfully reflect his own self-questionings ; the ‘ tyranny ’ was asserting itself .
6 B. Lewin 's Genes , is comprehensive and admirably up to-date .
7 Though committed to increasing the number of bishops in England since the council of Hertford in 672 ( HE IV , 5 ) , he did not attempt ( so far as is known ) to partition Wilfrid 's vast diocese of York until Ecgfrith quarrelled with Wilfrid and expelled him in 678 and even then king and archbishop appear to have been in agreement about the subdivision ( HE IV , 12 : V , 19 , 24 ; Vita Wilfridi , ch. 24 ) .
8 And the Cid should have gone with him , but he fell sick and perforce therefore abode at home .
9 However , success stories in themselves are not unusual and most certainly part of any teaching environment .
10 Halpern ( 1986 ) derides their apparent conviction that ‘ it is frightening and perhaps even unAmerican to consider the possibility that even a small part of the sex differences in spatial abilities ( or any cognitive ability ) , may be attributed to biological factors ’ ( 1986 : 1014 ) .
11 Speyside was an area where the units were large and almost exclusively family farms .
12 The Romans made only tentative essays into building such designs but in the eastern Mediterranean and even further east — in Persia , Iran , Armenia , Syria — Christianity had taken root earlier than in Rome and churches were built of this type from the second century A.D. onwards .
13 In both studies the authors emphasised that most of the pyloric stenoses could have been diagnosed clinically and that many of the imaging studies performed were not only unnecessary but also not cost effective .
14 The Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals ' report suggests that more flexibility should ‘ allow staff to be used considerably more effectively than under the present system , where research is considered the prime and often only road to reward and promotion and hence staff expect that the balance of their tasks should be broadly the same for all . ’
15 Provided the soil is workable , a spit ( spade 's length ) deep and not violently acid or alkaline , it will need little preparatory treatment .
16 The star goes on becoming smaller and smaller , denser and denser , until its gravitational pull has become so enormous that not even light can escape from it .
17 As there is with all of those but not necessarily estate agents .
18 Now she was a young widow , dignified but vulnerable , busy but not tastelessly careerist ; she believed that she always put her family first .
19 Though the majority of youth continued outwardly to behave in a conformist manner , the growth in numerous big cities of deliberately non-conformist and sometimes actively oppositionist youth groups delighting in physical as well as verbal attacks on Hitler Youth brigades , wearing ‘ western ’ clothes , aping English mannerisms , and listening to jazz , showed that Nazism was losing ground among what had been its strongest area of support .
20 When the arm spines are cleaned in bleach the smaller ones are seen to be thin and only slightly rugose with the area of attachment reinforced while the larger spine has an almost smooth shaft with a multipointed head .
21 Anything approaching within a distance 2GM/c 2 of the centre is inevitably trapped by the intense gravitational field : space–time is so warped that not even light can escape .
22 As we sat there in that noisy , smoke-filled place I was deeply conscious of his physical presence , so close and so disturbingly animal , almost electric in its restrained , pulsing sexuality .
23 He never spoke a truer word ; upholding the honour of the union and his own reputation was a worthy enough objective , but it was also ruinously expensive and very largely self defeating .
24 I want us to think for a moment about the rights and needs of all those millions of children who do not go to school , who are invisible because very often development programmes tend to ignore er their needs .
25 Anything that is simple and obvious is not creative and hence not design .
26 However , there was no committee report until February 1988 and even then information was sketchy , providing merely a summary of activity which did not reveal its scale .
27 Special considerations : the appellant had been diagnosed some time previously as HIV positive and more recently AIDS had developed .
28 For a young , intelligent and well off man of 25 , the mid 19C offered excellent opportunities for excitement , discovery , and perhaps even a modest profit .
29 We can not imagine it , yet it is possible , and if such a change did come to one of us , there would be pain for both and merely afterwards friendship
30 Gardiner usefully quotes or paraphrases the lively testimony of many sitters and visitors from a wide variety of sources and it is at these moments that the artist at his most affectionate , considerate , perceptive and even gently self-deprecating comes to life .
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