Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Transistor TR2 needs to have an H f e of at least 500 or greater and a BC109C was chosen here .
2 That is not a retrospective or prescriptive but a descriptive process and will allow the citizens of this country to measure the standards of service that they receive from their local authorities .
3 Two of the dead were children , a girl aged about eight or nine and a boy of about eleven years , they were travelling together , but otherwise unaccompanied .
4 A matrix is not a simple scalar quantity like 2 or 8 and a special technique is needed to carry out the operation of raising a matrix to the power n .
5 The attributes of any volume which is empty or full after a hard copy run may be changed , with the exception of the volume name and charge code ; the minimum fill mark of partially filled volumes may be revised between hard copy runs .
6 ‘ My life with him was short , ’ his wife said , ‘ but clear and bright as a crystal . ’
7 The sky became as clear and grey as a mountain rock-pool .
8 Despite that , she married Simon Dale , an architect who was losing his sight , a man who was ‘ interesting and different and a very good architect .
9 Varying the textures within this sort of monochromatic colour scheme can be just as interesting and lively as a scheme full of more obvious contrasts .
10 His reply was as light and harmless as a butterfly .
11 It darted up a tree with breathtaking ease , and the young man watched it leaping from bough to bough , as light and airy as a puff of grey smoke .
12 He is most relaxed when he is in the converted barn in Devon that is now his painting studio ; it is stone-floored and filled with light and quiet as a church .
13 Why does a barrow boy selling bunched radishes and salad greens in the market at Chinon know by instinct so to arrange his produce that he has created a little spectacle as fresh and gay as a Dufy painting , and you are at once convinced that unless you taste some of his radishes you will be missing an experience which seems of more urgency than a visit to the Chateau of Chinon ?
14 When I get to the road , with St James 's Park beyond , as fresh and green as an early summer salad , I stop and turn .
15 The barn was as high and big as a huge hall , an earthen floor strewn with finely scattered straw .
16 Johnny 's ring … old and valuable and a family heirloom .
17 Adolescents are going to be embarrassed and ashamed if a teacher suggests that their dialect , which is part of their identity , must be radically changed .
18 Lucy felt embarrassed and more than a little annoyed with her aunt .
19 With a deficit of 552 and thirteen and a quarter hours left , obviously only the weather was going to save England , so there was not the least justification for the barrage of short balls that Holding and Roberts hurled at Edrich and Close .
20 Two days later , the battered and bloodstained body of Marie Wilks , 22 and seven and a half months pregnant , was found dumped down an embankment two miles along the motorway .
21 In fact , the film was set in the 1950s , but it is doubtful whether any but a few of the millions who watched the film appreciated that life in a mental hospital is any different today .
22 At the Huntsman 's Inn in Ide , Kent , the refurbishment proposals were to involve demolitions so extensive that all but a portion of the building 's external wall would be destroyed , the planned reconstruction included an extension that would double the size of the original structure .
23 Long-distance travel is a fever dream where time and mood slip out of control leaving one unexpectedly early or late delighted or depressed until a mosaic of tiny things builds a flat earth beneath you again .
24 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
25 Currently sport occupies a quarter of the BBC 's own production and 17 per cent of its total output , though the fees for broadcasting have risen by as much or more than a thousandfold for certain sports like tennis and golf .
26 So we went and had and there was a little space , you know normal bit bigger than average and a little hooked thing and it opened up and down came some steps and we went up with trepidation I must say .
27 of its manufacturing jobs between 1979 and 1989 and a further 3,600 jobs since then ?
28 The careers and higher education information is dynamic , interactive , specialist , comprehensive and time-saving and an excellent aid to school staff whose time is at a premium .
29 But no , Jessie had to be something else ; Jessie had to be sent to the Secretarial School : no getting her hands sticky from the toffee hammer , breaking up the slabs in the long tins ; no weighing out a ha'p'orth of hundreds and thousands or a penn'orth of sugar baccy ; and as for the weighing out of the real baccy , of hard cut or shag or even serving the best cigars , oh no , oh no , her father was having Jessie do nothing like that .
30 " The fact that you ca n't take criticism without becoming as personal and spiteful as a neurotic girl is an example of what I mean . "
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