Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] the first " in BNC.

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1 Take one from Women 5 Weekly and rewrite the first three paragraphs for Playboy .
2 Monie , who has led Wigan to a record three consecutive Challenge Cup and Championship triumphs , said : ‘ The proposal to play County Cup matches pre-season and increase the First Division to 16 clubs is crazy .
3 Listening and speaking ; Lado ( 1964 ) explains that this approach to language teaching considers listening and speaking the first task in language learning , followed by the mastering of the reading and writing skills .
4 On the following evening , her plan laid , Joan again found an excuse to retire early and put the first part of the scheme into action .
5 The ‘ council movement ’ was especially vigorous , and was widely debated among socialists in the years immediately preceding and following the First World War ( Renner , 1921 ; Pribicevic , 1959 ) ; and more recently it again aroused growing interest as a result of the experience of workers ' self-management in Yugoslavia , some tentative steps in that direction in other East European countries during the 1970s , and the formulation of ideas about ‘ participatory democracy ’ that arose from the new social movements of the late 1960s .
6 He won six amateur titles from 1926 to 1934 and became the first Canadian to win the United States amateur crown , in 1932 .
7 Seventy years later , the magic mix of high rewards , low outlay and supposed skill in judging football results , continues unchanged ; except , of course , that punters can now win £1.5 million instead of the modest £2 12s that comprised the first ever dividend .
8 Her independence and organizing ability had been displayed early when she joined the Girl Scouts in 1909 and formed the first Bournemouth troop of guides .
9 The poets and critics had played a considerable part in stimulating and organizing the first manifestations of the Cubists , but the connections between Orphism and contemporary literature were stronger and more direct .
10 While the morphology of the single crystals grown from dilute solutions may be more regular and resemble the first model , for polymers that are crystallized from the melt ( and this is by far the more important procedure technically ) the mass of evidence tends to favour a form of the switchboard model .
11 Wine was decanted against the flame of a candle , and pouring would be stopped as soon as the wine started to get cloudy or showed the first signs of deposit .
12 The company was undecided whether to adopt the First In First Out ( FIFO ) basis of stock valuation or the Last In First Out ( LIFO ) basis of stock valuation .
13 When she was five and did the first sale , I was so proud of her .
14 new marriage , new spouse intestacy rules , spouse is the nearest and gets the first lot so it presumes that having got married you want that spouse to have what you 've got .
15 Some empirical evidence is available as regards the first of these ; the present research seeks to assess what role syntactic input plays .
16 Bacon is an ‘ empiricist ’ , not because of some theory which shows that sensory experiential knowledge is superior , or prior , to knowledge acquired by reason , but because of methodological concern for advancing and improving the first kind of knowledge .
17 He was a Cambridge blue during the years 1888–90 and won the first of his thirteen caps for England playing in the match against Wales in 1890 while he was still at university .
18 There is no easy solution to this one , other than doing the first ones at a safe altitude , which means at some speed since it is difficult to fly slowly at any height or distance .
19 Aunt Lilian and Aunt Kit walked into the nearest shop whenever their clothes became too shabby and bought the first thing that fitted them ; if they debated , it would only be about a garment 's staying power .
20 So , when the 1971 British Lions stretched Fergie McCormick this way and that when winning the First Test on Mains ' home ground , the All Black selectors decided that McCormick had to go , and Mains went on to play the remaining three Tests of the first rubber that the Lions had won in New Zealand .
21 President Franois Mitterrand , answering viewers ' questions in a television appearance yesterday , warned against writing off the Socialist Party as dead and said the first aim must be to reunite it .
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