Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can tell you he 's running quicker than at the same time last year , ’ said the Welshman , confident that Christie is capable of matching Canadian Bruny Surin 's 1993 world best of 6.45 .
2 And it applied also to the Chartists — ‘ A nation can not become free and at the same time continue to oppress other nations ’ .
3 There are insult-words for women who have too much sex ( slag ) and women who have too little ( pricktease ) ; women can be tasty and at the same time cunts .
4 In 1962 the increase in population had been 1,172 but in the same year only nineteen new houses had been built ; land had to be found for new housing .
5 It must be tight-fitting but at the same time easy to remove , for as the caterpillars grow they will consume enormous amounts of nettles .
6 They 're Italian , they 're 25 years old but at the same time brand new …
7 It is an attempt to preserve the special protections for public bodies contained in Order 53 while at the same time limiting the application of those protections to cases where they are necessary and suitable .
8 Why give out the message that certain sexual activities are risky whilst at the same time conveniently ignoring the real needs of lesbians ?
9 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
10 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
11 In August to October sales were 0.25 per cent lower than in the previous three months ( after seasonal adjustment ) and 0.25 per cent lower than in the same period a year earlier .
12 The summary way in which teacher education was disposed of at Barry also contrasts strongly with what happened in North East Wales : here , there was much lobbying to prevent teacher training based on Cartrefle College of Education , now merged into the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education , from contracting further ; it is indeed ironical that on the same day , 26 July 1977 , that Gordon Oakes , Minister of State at the DES , declared that Cartrefle should be spared the axe , predominantly on the basis of its geographical location , he should pronounce a death sentence at Barry .
13 As stated above production has almost halved since 1979 and at the same time the price of its premium Bonny light crude has fallen from $40 per barrel to $28.65 and is always threatened by the North Sea producers .
14 The change effected by Gandhi by the use of satyāgraha , however , makes his principle more explicit and at the same time links it more closely with his concept of Truth ( Satya ) , and non-violence ( ahi sā ) .
15 China had established diplomatic relations with Russia on Dec. 27 , 1991 and at the same time recognized the 10 other republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) and Georgia .
16 Yet while it may not be possible , in a given case , to come to a clear decision one way or the other , it can not , I shall argue , be coherently assumed that a decision is logically impossible and at the same time insisted that the object in question exists in an ontological sense .
17 It had become less simple and at the same time less complicated than that .
18 This marriage , of which there were no children , was dissolved in 1924 and in the same year he married Edith Dora Hodges , singer , daughter of Joseph Hodges , butcher of Tooting ; they had three sons and one daughter .
19 Port books have been neglected in the past as a source for internal trade in the proto-industrial period because of the nature of the source — it is vast and at the same time problematic .
20 She made her London début at the Wigmore Hall in 1963 and in the same year sang her first Angel in Gerontius with the Hallé Orchestra , a work with which she became closely associated .
21 Above all , it has been unable to bring the highly differentiated elements of strategy and social constituencies together behind a convincing vision of a more deeply democratic and at the same time thoroughly 20th-century , socially just society .
22 These problems demand intensive treatment — moisturising and nourishing but at the same time non-oily .
23 I remember Shostakovich was so nervous but at the same time so impressed .
24 She was divorced in 1934 and in the same year she married the journalist Alaric Jacob , in whose Scenes from a Bourgeois Life ( 1949 ) she appears as ‘ Miranda Ireton ’ .
25 Elaborate precautions were taken to avoid disputes over precedence between the representatives of France and Spain ( the long-standing rivalry between these two states was the most serious potential source of this kind of friction ) by placing them both on the king 's right and at the same distance from him .
26 Our brief was to board and rummage as many of these foreign vessels as possible and at the same time carry out checks on the British boats to control any possible lead in duty free stores .
27 For example , the index of the information system was computerised in 1986 and at the same time was expanded , and made to encompass extensive cross-referencing ( see Figure 5.3 ) .
28 She had seen nothing of them and heard nothing except their horn in the recesses of the forest , a joyous and at the same time a melancholy sound which filled her captors with unease .
29 On the other hand , over half the holdings remained intact and in the same family possession .
30 As she lay in the heat , she felt drowsy and at the same time tinglingly alive .
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