Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [conj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 And that basically that amounts to standardiz standardization of products .
2 I rolled out of bed at eight o'clock and went to the bathroom where I turned on the taps for a hot bath .
3 ‘ We will be pushing to do this locally and writing to the OFT on a regular basis to check on the state of play , ’ he said .
4 Bargaining structures within the international context , although extremely heterogeneous rather than conforming to any simple and tidy pattern , may be broadly classified in terms of the level at which negotiations are mainly conducted .
5 Coleridge himself can not have failed to make the calculation that of four marriageable Fricker sisters , one was married to Robert Lovell , and another all but engaged to Southey .
6 Access : At Llanberis take the road opposite the Snowdon Mountain Railway station and follow this down and left to the large car park of the Padarn Country Park and Lakeside Railway ( former quarry buildings ) .
7 mm , alright , shall we take this up and listen to it ?
8 Health Works readers can ring in free today and talk to a trained nutritionist about diet .
9 it just goes on , but I said to Sandra where they 've been parking all these cars , Alan over the road he comes out just after six o'clock and goes to London every day and I do n't know how he got his car out with the
10 Present it to Walter Raleigh , Sitting Bull , Napoleon , Julius Caesar or even the man on the Athens omnibus circa 100 BC and explain to him that this is not the work of God or the Devil but a few clever chaps in a place and time they 've never heard of .
11 Let's put that aside and go to you Beth .
12 You should be careful how you use them because the audience may read these rather than listen to you .
13 Come here put these on and listen to your voice , talk , talk
14 The use just discussed bears a relation to the occurrence of the bare infinitive after the expressions rather than and sooner than : ( 32 ) He paid the fine rather than appeal to a higher court .
15 The former assumption says that language behaviour in the classroom has to be natural so as to conform to the naturalness of language use : the latter assumption says that classroom behaviour has to be natural in conformity with natural processes of language learning .
16 Gentle exercise is valuable too but needs to be taken most days in order to do us real good .
17 So I ‘ open it an inch ’ and thus I delay further , giving them time to take it all in and to adjust to the exposure to what they must ultimately cope with : the witch addressing them directly .
18 Rather than spend too long on developing a perfect composition , I settled for a core arrangement of objects that looked good together and added to it as the drawing and colouring progressed .
19 Furthermore , the hierarchical structuring of the book is typeset so as to emphasize to the reader that p2 is at the same level as p1 and not a continuation of p6 .
20 But he had given it all up and returned to the business world as a marketing executive .
21 The message ca n't be different because it 's one sound , one word and one mouth , people , culture and all else that related to the people of reggae and Afro-Lingua . "
22 Well can we can we rewind that back and listen to it ?
23 As Prime Minister he accepted the resignation of his Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1958 rather than agree to modest public expenditure cuts .
24 Lonely : The spiritual isolation of the disease is lonely enough but add to this the " Jekyll and Hyde " behaviour ( depending upon whether or not a drink or drug has been taken that day ) causing untold damage to family and other relationships and the loneliness becomes intense .
25 Sebastian grinned , just twenty-three then and enjoying to the full the way his mother fussed and worried herself silly over him .
26 They 'd get a bit cheeky sometimes and have to be checked .
27 1 Mrs Simmons leaves home at 1 p.m. but travels to the market at 60km per hour .
28 L. Postumius Megellus ' bad Greek produced hilarity in Tarentum in 282 B.C. and contributed to the subsequent war ( Dionys .
29 The new application runs from 9.00 am and extends to 1.00 on Friday and Saturday nights ,
30 Mrs Jamieson will be travelling from Edinburgh to Leeds , departing from Edinburgh on Wednesday 8 September 1993 at 1.00 pm and returning to Edinburgh on Thursday 9 September 1993 , departing from Leeds at 6.49 pm .
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