Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] could " in BNC.

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1 A face , she sighed , that only a mother could have loved .
2 If the biscuits coming through were each rather heavy then the machine could be adjusted to wrap fewer biscuits per pack .
3 But the Scottish Office remained unsure how the board could proceed without the use of juniors , and asked how it could continue once the exemption ended .
4 Assuming , on facts such as those in Bartlett , that the directors have sufficiently researched a project , it is not evident how a court could determine whether the expected profits justify the risks involved , and this is likely to be the case with respect to much business decision making .
5 They 're just the same with the police force , there could be er , er , an increase in police pay , or there could be any , a very large incident which would require planning , if these happen then it has always been the case , if there was n't the money available then a precept could be put upon us as a local authorities to er , cover that erm , directly .
6 If the control knobs had been placed half an inch or so higher then the selector could be placed below them , thus bringing it nearer to the player 's right hand .
7 The information available through the payroll was : name man number payroll number ( hourly , weekly , monthly ) depot number birth date date of joining salary company division department marital status date left At a later date indicators were added for : membership of pension scheme savings scheme part-timers address job title It became apparent immediately that quite a lot could be done with a good program .
8 Now if that is correct perhaps a minister could say so and clear in explicit terms er because it is very , very important because increasingly er a number of firms act in er in er in in both capacities and indeed for the large firms I think many of us are aware of the difficulty that 's now arising and there are only half a dozen very large accountancy firms that are capable of providing accounting and auditing services in this country and indeed most of them are beneficiaries of this government 's largesse in awarding public service contracts er to a surprising degree and so the government will be well aware of the problem .
9 If it is internal then the individual could control it .
10 If the market was efficient then the model could not produce above normal profits for the user .
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