Example sentences of "[verb] given [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Wembley chairman Sir Brian Wolfson has given permission to the former England captain 's family for a match in his honour .
2 A Paris conference on the Amazon forests has given publicity to the continuing destruction of the area .
3 In this sense it is significant that , unlike in France and Britain , no politician of note has given voice to the growing disquiet in Germany about the move in Europe towards a Federalist state .
4 Indeed arguably the only reliable evidence of who has given money to the Tory Party is the honours list which is published twice a year !
5 Wall Street has been hitting new peaks this week too , which has given support to the London market ( and even Japan 's Nikkei index , in a typically erratic period , has gained nearly 800 points while London added its 245 ) but London has real strengths of its own .
6 AFTER a week mulling over Budget proposals for offshore tax reform , British Petroleum has given support to the Chancellor 's moves to encourage more efficient oil and gas production .
7 But the Banbury environmental research group which has given evidence to the select committee on energy over Harwell says the reasons for the shut-down are more complicated .
8 The principle of non-intervention has given way to the need for legal response to international wrong-doing , coupled with responsibility for such acts .
9 The former belief that the Prime Minister was prim us inter pares ( first among equals ) has given way to the realisation that the office-holder is primum mobile ( the first mover ) .
10 It is in this form that I would express the challenge of the social and medical revolution which has given rise to the modern problem of old age .
11 Since the 16th century the ease of hybridising all these naturally occurring forms both in nature and by the gardener has given rise to the delightful range of varieties we now grow .
12 The police and the Army were caught up in a public order crisis which continues to plague us and which has given rise to the most damaging terrorist campaign .
13 This situation has accelerated the user experience of expert systems , and has given rise to the increasingly sophisticated applications in which expert systems can have combinations of simulation facilities , database links , graphic interfaces and speech recognition facilities .
14 Position not being a quality , and sensations not being in parts of the body as pins , wounds and broken bones are in parts of the body , it would seem that the only way in which a part of the body can enter into one 's experience of a pain is as the apparent place of the prick , scratch , cut , or whatever it may be , which has given rise to the sensation .
15 In 1972 , 41% of women over 16 were daily cigarette smokers ( a figure that had been fairly constant since the 1950s ) whilst in 1986 that figure was 31% , compared with 52% and 35% for men [ 1 ] : this has given rise to the assumption that women find it more difficult to give up smoking than men .
16 At no time did the defendants tell the plaintiff of Mr. Perot 's proposed purchase of Vertigo and it is this fact which has given rise to the present litigation .
17 The most probable outcome of all class struggles , according to this view , is civil war ; and it is the use of the term ‘ revolution ’ in this context by many Marxists , and by other radical thinkers , which has given rise to the close association in modern thought between the ideas of revolution and armed conflict .
18 The capability of removing women 's eggs and placing them in another woman 's womb , has given rise to the question for the first time in human history who is the biological mother ?
19 The comparative study of political systems and especially public policy-making has given rise to the belief that the distinction between politics and administration is artificial and that the role of administrators can not be settled by a definition which relegates them to a purely instrumental position .
20 This need for ‘ distance ’ from political control has given rise to the doctrine of the ‘ arm's-length ’ relationship in countries such as Britain where the classic form of the state enterprise has been the ‘ public corporation ’ under the control of a ‘ sponsor ’ department .
21 The Act has given rise to the setting up of self-regulatory organisations by financial institutions and others concerned with the provision of financial services .
22 This artist differs from the others reviewed here in that she has not used a gendered figure in her drawings and has given form to the contradictions of intuitive emotion and insight in non-figurative sculpture .
23 ‘ Race suicide is possible ’ , exclaimed an anonymous commentator on ‘ Sport and Decadence ’ in 1909 , while another author writing under the cloak of anonymity warned in 1912 of ‘ a canker at the heart of the people which will surely destroy it ’ , believing that ‘ the first stage of decay has already been reached when the stolid , God-fearing puritan of two-and-a-half centuries ago has given place to the shallow , hysterical cockney of today ’ .
24 That has given momentum to the rumour that Merson and Graham clashed verbally over the player 's weight on Monday .
25 Only Danismend , among modern authors , has given weight to the statements of the early sources and has inserted Molla Yegan 's name in his list of Muftis .
26 The Philippines government has given approval to the construction of a vast geothermal power plant on Mount Apo , in Mindanao island , threatening to disrupt both an internationally-recognized site of rich biodiversity and the way of life of the Lumad tribal peoples .
27 What has given impetus to the establishment of the clearing house is the Exchange 's fear that its centralised securities market is in danger of fragmenting .
28 But surely not as furious as he would have been afterwards , if they 'd given way to the temptations of their flesh ?
29 A fair employer will already have given thought to the alternatives to redundancy , perhaps even contacting other companies within the same group to see whether vacancies exist elsewhere .
30 Even if , as Mancini thought , not all the details of these ‘ plots ’ commanded belief , the Woodvilles ' background of aggressive opportunism must have given credibility to the claim that they intended to dominate the young king .
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