Example sentences of "[verb] to make [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The next day Neville Chamberlain called and rehearsed with him the defence which Hoare proposed to make to the House of Commons on Thursday , the 19th .
2 Unlike fresh water plumbing , which is covered by the water bye-laws , the drainage system is covered by Building Regulations , which are administered by the Building Control Officer at your local authority and you must provide details of material alterations or additions that you propose to make to the drainage system of your house .
3 I would appreciate any comments you want to make about the campaign and Media Action and your final evaluation of the programme .
4 The kind of films I want to make in the future would be totally gay in sensibility , whatever that might mean , but totally about heterosexuals and aiming to seduce the general population . ’
5 As far as this representative model is concerned procedural entitlements are viewed in purely instrumental terms , according to the contribution they may be expected to make to the accuracy of the underlying substantive policy judgments , and since no one has a right to a particular policy outcome , no one has aright either to any particular form of decision-making process .
6 In essence each region or district gets its share of the total amount of funds available on the basis of the size of the population served , weighted to take account of the use different sections of that population can be expected to make of the service .
7 However , we wish to discuss and agree any amendments that you may seek to make to the contract in advance of you submitting your final binding offer .
8 Instead of making directly for it , I followed a track that seemed to make for the Foulness road , about half a mile beyond the village or hamlet marked as Crabtree Wick .
9 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations he intends to make to the Government of Israel following their decision to continue the closure of Bir Zeit university for a further three months .
10 Quite clearly , while I 'm not prepared to put a a figure on the contribution that conversions are going to make to the period to two thousand and six , I 'll be most surprised if it was a long way different from what has been taking place in the past .
11 The one before this one , co-incidentally , was a very broad one , which was an attempt at assessing the results of Five , which of course took place in Manila in May/June , and right after that , with the participation of some of the people who had been , in Five we tried to assess what impact , if any , their conference is going to make for the future of the world economic system .
12 Moreover , the covenant with Israel signified by circumcision was offered to make of the nation ‘ A kingdom of priests and a holy nation . ’ ,
13 Much of the history of the Middle Ages follows from that fact , as the papacy struggled to separate the concept of the Empire from the property of any one dynasty , and the emperors strove to make of the Church an instrument of state .
14 I think the important point I 'd like to make at the outset is that when the review of the requirement was carried out it was carried out both nationally and on a four nation basis , the ministers , once that was complete , the ministers decided that and stated publicly in December ninety two , that we will continue with the existing airframe and engine combination and that each nation er based on a family of aircraft concept could decide from a menu which equipments it would fit according to their individual requirements and their budget and we looked individually at each of the items to see what impact it would have on the operational capability if we were to remove them and what erm was decided in the end and the requirement reflects this , was signed last month by the Chief Surveyor 's staff , is that some nations have decided to remove certain items of equipment but for the U K we felt that it was necessary to keep all the major items and therefore as far as the U K is erm impact on the operational requirement is concerned , there is no significant alteration in its operational capability and therefore in overall percentage terms there is no decrease in the capability at all .
15 There are some more points I 've got to make about the budget in general .
16 Always summarize the concessions which you have agreed to make during the bargaining process but omit to mention those offered by the other party .
17 A few birds began to make with the auditions .
18 Ray began to make for the door .
19 My father related that , when he was in the panel advising the consul Ducenius Varus , his own view prevailed , when Otacilius Catulus had instituted his daughter sole heir , left a legacy of two hundred to a freedman , and requested that he should make that over to his concubine ; and then the freedman had predeceased the testator , and the legacy to him had remained with the daughter ; that the daughter should be compelled to make over the trust to the concubine .
20 The sort of applications which we might wish to make in the future would be for an example that an interim payment be made out of the money in court or that the money be transferred to the public trust office , we do n't know how we should proceed yet , but if we are at liberty to apply generally
21 I mean when I think of all the money that was poured into my education and nobody ever mentioned the kind of decisions one would have to make in the future and the problems you would have in trying to make use both of your education and have children and have the happy family life that our society encourages you to have and that we all perhaps want .
22 I decided to make for the orchard and the safety of my own trench .
23 Realizing that there was little chance of getting into such a defended area undetected , they decided to make for the rendezvous , contenting themselves with placing their bombs on vehicles parked for the night alongside the road .
24 But EC governments will have to agree on what changes to make to the Treaty of Rome by the end of 1991 , if the timetable is not to be derailed .
25 Mr Brown said he had no further comment to make on the matter .
26 When Mark and his cohorts eventually emerged from the dark recesses of the studio and delivered the Talk Talk album that they 'd always wanted to make to the band 's record label , more than one EMI executive jaw hit the lush EMI executive suite carpet .
27 Her eyes were searching the corners , scanning the farthest recesses of the dungeon that someone had tried to make into the semblance of a comfortable apartment .
28 No sooner has a toddler begun to make for the water 's edge than heads turn and adults prepare to go to the rescue .
29 In the event the vast majority continued to make for the seaside resorts in the area , leaving the conservationists to fend off the more predatory designs of farmers and water authorities .
30 The points I have endeavoured to make regarding the scope of orders that can be made under section 6(2) have implications for the present case .
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