Example sentences of "[verb] to have [been] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The weakness , if not incompetence , of the opposition would appear to have been an important contributory factor in Ronald Reagan 's astonishing early success in seizing control of the agenda in the manner of a Roosevelt or a Johnson , even almost of a prime minister .
2 All in all it could be said to have been an amicable evening .
3 This is not to belittle the exploits of Hadlee , Phillip or can der Bijl , who were essential parts of their sides ' successes , but none of whom can be said to have been an out-and-out pace man .
4 To that extent , he can claim to have been an innocent traveller .
5 Dr Bowie , a normally taciturn man , said that if radiation from Hinkley Point was responsible , ‘ there would have had to have been an enormous leak ’ .
6 About this time , however , he married as his second wife Joanna Bridges , who has been alleged to have been an illegitimate daughter of Charles I ; and he was able to live on her property in Wales .
7 They seem to have been an unscrupulous family , willing to exploit their closeness to the crown .
8 They seem to have been an unscrupulous family , willing to exploit their closeness to the crown .
9 I say that perhaps you might be a ‘ vulnerable ’ person , because you say that you 've always been ‘ a bit of a worrier ’ , finding it difficult to relax ; and your mother also appears to have been an anxious person .
10 Even before what appears to have been an acute phase of illness in 1756 , Smart showed many characteristic signs : impulsiveness , reckless spending , drunkenness and — leading eventually to his confinement — his disinhibited behaviour of praying in public and on inappropriate occasions whenever the spirit moved him .
11 The list included the JONA 22 self-launching aircraft which appears to have been an Italian invention — did it ever get to the production or prototype stage ?
12 He is reputed to have been an able administrator with a keen mind for commerce .
13 The King Edward VI grammar school is one of the most ancient in the country and is known to have been an educational institution from at least 1276 , though it received its Royal Charter in 1551 .
14 Upon their return to England after South African unification in 1910 the kindergarten tackled the next item on what seems to have been an implicit agenda — the unification of the British empire .
15 He was brought up in an atmosphere of churchmanship , his revered father being a prominent layman who devoted his life to the reunification of the Anglican with the Roman church , and it was perhaps through him that he acquired what seems to have been an unconscious appreciation of the utility of goodness in public life ; one notes in his writings a tendency to equate prayer with will .
16 There were conflicting views of its usefulness , and Sadler 's cannon-founding seems to have been an unprofitable venture .
17 In the fourteenth century there seems to have been an unfortified village on the site , but by the end of the thirteenth even that had gone .
18 Also , in parallel with the United States , the influence of public policy seems to have been an additional factor of some importance since it has been observed that the policy of the occupying powers after 1947 probably strengthened the tendency to form enterprise-based unions rather than alternative structures for bargaining purposes ( Levine , 1981 ) .
19 Mensural music , in which the durations of the notes had an exact ratio among themselves , seems to have been an Islamic invention .
20 On closer inspection there was quite a muddle between ‘ Chinese imperialism ’ and ‘ Vietminh military operations ’ , but it seems to have been an elementary mistake to base the assessment entirely on capability rather than intention , which the paper admitted , and was an extraordinary foundation for Rusk 's conclusion which was that : ‘ Above all , we can not afford to jeopardise the considerable measure of success our policy has already had in Indo-China by neglecting to provide the proper maintenance for our investment . ’
21 The choice of Mr Bernerd ( who recently hit the headlines in connection with the case of ex-Heritage Minister David Mellor and Ms Antonia de Sancha ) as the company 's financial backer , seems to have been an uneasy choice and has not resulted in a long-term commitment to the gallery at a difficult time for the art market .
22 Instead , the outcome of what seems to have been an uncomfortable occasion was merely that Pound and Lewis took that much longer to find out that they were natural allies .
23 The division between incomers and Shetlanders in Dunrossness seems to have been an immediate product of conflicts over land and housing , a consequence of some residential patterns in the area , an outcome of changes in the accepted rules in the ‘ status game ’ and , perhaps , an inevitable result of policy predictions .
24 It seems to have been an independent version of the Grand Tour and was an early indication of the restless urge to travel which he never lost .
25 This seems to have been an important period for Williams , for his lecture programme gave him the opportunity to broaden his contacts .
26 I had come upon it in thumbing through The Writers and Artists Yearbook ; it seems to have been an Anglo-Catholic journal .
27 Lodwick seems to have been an attractive and popular person , to judge by the entries in Hooke 's diary , and he was undoubtedly modest about his qualifications and achievements .
28 There was believed to have been an incestuous relationship between Alfonso and Urraca and they were probably responsible for Sancho 's death .
29 A knowledge of the context in which acts of sabotage occur — the lack of alternatives available to workers , the frustrations that build up over time — often shows sabotage to have been an understandable response .
30 The embryonic plot appeared to have been an amateurish operation which did not pose a serious threat to the government .
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