Example sentences of "[verb] always [be] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is also in keeping with the history of the square which has always been the centre for vendors and street artists .
2 That has always been the position , but I shall look into the case to which the hon. Gentleman refers .
3 This has always been the child 's room , the girl-child .
4 As with the centesimal system the time will depend on the acuteness of the symptoms , the chronicity of the complaint and the vitality of the patient but there has always been the question of when to repeat the remedy if the response is insufficient having regard to the severity of the symptoms .
5 One important problem has always been the question of how groups operate and to what effect .
6 THE hardest part of the buckminsterfullerene story to accept has always been the formation of this highly symmetric molecule in condensing carbon vapour .
7 I have noticed that it has always been the acers that have aroused the greatest number of inquiries from readers visiting The Daily Telegraph 's garden at the Chelsea Flower Show ( preparations for this year 's are already advanced , by the way ) .
8 Sad claims , but nothing compared to an NME reviewer 's view that the band Flowered Up should n't be allowed to play in clubs , because black music has always been the mainstay there , and Flowered Up have their roots in rock .
9 ‘ Lanarkshire has always been the boilerhouse of manufacturing , and maybe they were too busy digging coal and making steel to worry about education .
10 There has always been the equivalent of the Novices group , for example , allowing entrance to the soccer microculture for any boy willing to learn the rules of being a fan .
11 There has always been the issue of , Is there actually enough Royal Navy refit work to keep two dockyards in full employment ?
12 But it has always been the privilege of the genius to know these things before other men .
13 And so , for these and other reasons , the planned town has always been the exception in England , and derives most of its special interest from that fact .
14 Of course this has always been the case for all entrants , for there are only forty-three chief constables and the same number of deputies , so few have a chief officer 's truncheon in their knapsack ( to paraphrase an old army chestnut ) .
15 And this has always been the case .
16 That has always been the case in theory , but the new law removes any doubt .
17 In other words , the practical position with regard to liability in contract is tantamount to the joint and several liability which has always been the case in tort .
18 Ask why someone reports to so and so and you will receive the answer that ‘ it has always been the case ’ , or that ‘ she gets on better with X rather than Y ’ .
19 So we always this has always been the case for the four five hundred years that people have been doing etching , so they go by a rule of thumb .
20 That has always been the case and remains so , and it is true of the Bill .
21 They 're just the same with the police force , there could be er , er , an increase in police pay , or there could be any , a very large incident which would require planning , if these happen then it has always been the case , if there was n't the money available then a precept could be put upon us as a local authorities to er , cover that erm , directly .
22 That has always been the case , we have always been criticised for doing it but I find it outstandingly noticeable this year .
23 But she adds : ‘ It has always been the case that there are times when it is easier to talk to someone who is not that close to you about your problems .
24 Oh well , this has always been the case , has n't it .
25 ( in this issue ) note that the context of EC competition policy has always been the promotion of competition within a single European market , despite arguments that have sometimes been expressed in favour of industrial policies designed to improve the competitiveness of European firms in international markets .
26 W.H.R chairman Al McNicol confirmed that it has always been the Company policy to rebuild to Dinas .
27 My one criticism of SansAmp has always been the harshness of the top end ; the GX-7 certainly has less odd harmonics and so produces a distortion sound which is more pleasing to the ear .
28 Evangelism has always been the order of the day in the training and strategies of the Salvation Army , as its name implies .
29 Such was the beginning of the Edenderry Tennis Club whose president has always been the minister of the church .
30 Erm and he 's saying that you know to start with basically education has always been the preserve of the landlords , er the peasants have n't had anything to do with education , have always been poor illiterate peasants erm and now he 's saying that because the landlords have been overthrown erm suddenly peasants er have , you know , are forming erm schools and have been able to be taught various things .
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