Example sentences of "[verb] over in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had similar problems when I stopped over in the Brown Islands , ’ he said .
2 I can never forget how he used to come over in the evening from Bembridge School to sit with me after my son died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-seven , only eight months after his marriage .
3 Are you giving me a lift or will I arrange to come over in the office ?
4 but give them in the morning cos we 've got to come over in the morning have n't we ?
5 Each month 's results are picked over in the business 's board meeting , with a head-office manager present in a non-executive role .
6 Ponds were frozen over in the London parks and a thin but icy fog concealed the raw branches of the winter trees .
7 It is not possible for example to predict that Mr Smith will have a heart attack or that Mrs Williams will fall over in the snow and break her leg .
8 A production assistant hot-footed it round to Camera 3 's position and came through with : ‘ Jeez , boss , three 's crook — he 's fell over in the heat . ’
9 Adam had fallen over in the playground , hit his head on a bench , been taken to hospital .
10 When the Suez crisis boiled over in the autumn , the strain on ministers was immense .
11 The second CD is given over in the main to what I think of as Mark Goodier bands ( not a breath of criticism implicit in that , by the way ) .
12 Then listen to the guitar of Ruth Morris , bellowing over in the corner like a love-lorn brontosaurus .
13 Like the best wines , distinguished architecture matures over time : 50 years from now , Lloyds will be championed by as yet unborn conservationists , fought over in the media and ultimately listed Grade One .
14 Filmer would stay over in the station .
15 erm we have developed over in the university , in the arts area especially , for arts undergraduates who do n't have mathematical or scientific training , ways of giving them erm training in computer programming , and they come out really both full of fun about it and with a lot more confidence than they could possibly have imagined they would have when they began .
16 In the early morning planes were heard passing over in the mist and the rain .
17 Air pumps and the aeration features on many pumps/powerheads ensure plenty of oxygen in the water ( as does the fact that it is regularly turned over in the tank ) .
18 Dealing with wireless every day , Joe rarely listened when off duty to accounts of small successes put over in the announcer 's authoritative tone and the defeats intoned as if reporting a death : which it was , though not a single death , such as when Tobruk had fallen in June and Mussolini went into Libya .
19 If , for instance , you are pushed over in the playground , would it be all right to push the aggressor in return ?
20 ‘ They came over in the summer and at half-term and I 'll be in England for Christmas .
21 Patrick turned over in the bed , and discovered that there was a fire burning in the grate and a breakfast tray on the small side-table beside the bed .
22 The victims were crushed to death when the coach turned over in the air and smashed into the ground roof downwards .
23 ‘ If you look over in the corner , there 's a little ante-room with a single bed — intended , so I believe , to accommodate a child . ’
24 A fabulous movement involving Jones , Barnes , Ian Smith , Carling , Scott Gibbs and Mike Rayer finished with Hunter scorching over in the corner .
25 Instead the orbs had sunk back and there was a darkness to the face , a suppressed despair , even an agitation that spoke of tedious things , so unlike those experiences we had laughed over in the past .
26 Cooper was not in court to hear the judgement , but the effect on McMahon was explosive : ‘ One moment I was sitting bent over in the dock in utter despair , the next I was on my feet with arms outstretched , screaming at the judges .
27 A third defendant , Keith Bunting , 23 , of Ashley Road , Dovercourt , denies using threatening or insulting behaviour and resisting arrest while a fourth , Damon Wait , 17 , of Victoria Road , Dovercourt , agreed to be bound over in the sum of £50 to keep the peace for 12 months .
28 Brothers Ernest and Michael Robinson of Thompson Grove , Hartlepool , were bound over in the sum of £100 to keep the peace for six months after a fight with another man in York Road .
29 ‘ What I liked in the books was the free open-air life , the spice of illegality and daring , roguish characters — the opportunities so far exceeding my own , the gun , the great pond , the country home , the apparently endless leisure — the glorious moments that one could always recapture by opening the Poacher — and the tinge of sadness here and there as in the picture of the old moucher perishing in his sleep by the lime kiln , and the heron flying over in the morning indifferent . ’
30 Bonington also takes repeated swipes at the 19th century climbing establishment as represented by the Alpine Club , glossing over in the process the AC 's extraordinary and valuable role in the exploration not only of the Alps but the greater ranges .
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