Example sentences of "[verb] away [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the parties given in his honour , from which Eliot would contrive to slip away after a token attendance , these functions , never too large , were the kind he most enjoyed .
2 Men in small firms experience an earlier and lower peak growth rate which very quickly drops away after the twenty-fifth year of service .
3 And she saw old Billy , his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth .
4 A black-and-white Tudor manor house , separated by a gravelled car park from a modern two-storey extension mocked up to resemble stables ; lawns behind sloping away towards the wooded flanks of the Surrey hills ; the colours of St. George hanging limply from a flagstaff ; three geese in flight across a swash-lettered nameboard ; and smoke pluming vertically from slender chimney stacks .
5 The reader might have come away with a Victorian idea of the inexorability of progress , each generation better , finer and braver than its parents .
6 I 'm aware that we are in very subjective territory here and I have already confessed where my own preferences lie , but I 'm not alone in my opinion that the 80R 's channel two falls short of the mark , because every one of us here has come away with the same opinion .
7 Cole ( 1986 ) has investigated twelve high-use and twelve low-use campsites located away from the main tourist access routes in three desert vegetation types consisting of desert scrub , catclaw ( Acacia greggi ) and piñon-juniper ( Pinus edulie–Juniperus osteosperma ) communities .
8 She wanted to eat her cake and have it , put Georg away in a little box for the future , when she 'd finished having a good time .
9 Has the building been changed from the original by additions and alterations , and are these cracking away from the main building ?
10 The lock itself seemed good , though wrenched away by the forced entry .
11 The line is wrenched away by the locked jaw of the sea dog below .
12 With fine forceps , the entire AER was teased away from the left limb and discarded , causing no obvious damage to underlying mesenchyme .
13 Carefully , slowly , Grace and her father tried to get the boat near the rock , but three times they had to pull away at the last minute .
14 Fun 's the last thing I feel like ! ’ she replied swiftly , trying to pull away from the deceptive strength of his hold .
15 But er this hundred and twenty pound radio was knocking away for a five quid in the end er I er I heard .
16 They were watching the camp pack away for the last time before it moved on without them .
17 Half a crown And you used to come away with a big piece of flat brisket and if he 's got any sausage left , or bits a of pork pies , he used to shove a bit of that in .
18 As she lifted it out , she realized that the backing was beginning to come away from the heavy cream cardboard of the mount .
19 For more recipe ideas send away for a free booklet to ‘ Salads through the seasons ’
20 Across the oceans , Sotheby 's continues to plug away at the Japanese market with its Print sale in Tokyo , now bolstered by a few nihonga ( Japanese-style ) paintings .
21 Let your tack dry away from a direct source of heat ; do n't put it in front of a radiator or fire , or the leather will become brittle .
22 Parts of the rudder which sank away from the main hull corroded as could be expected , so the answer must lie with the hull itself .
23 Here she found Mrs Geary , kindly smoothing Twomey 's hair with her hand , while he boned away at an elegant shoe .
24 ‘ She received a very serious wound to the stomach and two slashes to her arm , apparently inflicted as she staggered away after the first attack .
25 And she was right there , too , but Clara was beyond the rights and wrongs of the case , blissfully carried away into the angry , amoral world of combat , wonderfully disconnected from truth and falsehood , freed from gratitude by meanness , released from effort by knowledge of fruitless impossibility .
26 So when we listen to music we should allow ourselves to be carried away into the musical paradise .
27 Carried away on a rushing tide of dark enchantment , she quivered as his tongue caressed her skin , his mouth feather-light as it brushed enticingly , back and forth , over her swollen nipples .
28 She tried to fight him , but her effort was half-hearted as she found herself carried away on an irresistible tide of longing .
29 But Clive Lawton , head of educational services , said there was still a long way to go , and he warned against being carried away with a good idea if it were to impoverish the rest of the scheme .
30 I for one did not get carried away with the Triple Crown hype after the ‘ splendour ’ of the victory over Wales ( for which your publication was equally responsible ) .
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