Example sentences of "[verb] in and out of " in BNC.

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1 The needle snicked in and out of the fabric , and then he leaned back on his heels , scowling .
2 Or Fergie did when she hopped in and out of cars wearing Honest-Jill-Ordinary leggings and sweatshirts which said , ‘ Hey , forget Bali , I 'm just a working mum like you ! ’
3 Again the camera plane turned , and they swung to follow it ; and between them and the Line three trim shapes plunged in and out of cloud in a dive pointed at the F2B .
4 You can zoom in and out of the preview , looking at thumbnails of your pages , or zooming in on just the one page .
5 Ross Lyndon-James of Ramtron says : ‘ All other memory devices have either inflexible static memories , or require information to be shuffled in and out of the chip . ’
6 There was no sign of the three people I was looking for , although there were a few strange faces : three or four wives with young children sent out to grass from Athens , and one or two old couples , dehydrated rentiers , who doddered in and out of the mournful lounges of the Hotel Philadelphia .
7 You 're sure you got in and out of the house unobserved ? ’
8 People got in and out of the lifts and did n't give him a second glance .
9 Information Services functions ( including records managers , librarians , information scientists , archivists and others ) have , in many organisations , been re-organised in and out of numerous different departments .
10 Its ability to weave in and out of the enemies is unbelievable , and turning back on yourself sends it into a tight mid-air manoeuvre that would tax a Harrier jump jet !
11 The south stair winds past the old buttery to the first floor , where levels change in and out of the - bedrooms and chambers .
12 The morning light was piercing the old house now , sending shafts of pure colour sliding across the floor , making the dust motes dance in and out of the rays .
13 For 50 years every day the trains have brought supplies in and out of Bicester Garrison and apart from the occasional hiccup , like when they discovered 2,000 left boots , they kept the British Army going whereever they are in the world .
14 It is alleged by the plaintiff that the use of these roads by numerous heavy goods vehicles at night amounts to a public nuisance for which the defendants are responsible : the dock company because it controls the Gillingham Gate and by its operation of the gate and the port in general causes or permits the heavy goods vehicles to go in and out of it at all hours , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. respectively , because as sublessees of the dock company they or their customers send heavy goods vehicles in and out of the port and cause or materially contribute to the alleged nuisance .
15 He was attracted by the atomic theories of antiquity , which had themselves been associated with the possibility of plural worlds as different combinations of atoms passed in and out of being .
16 Amongst these must be the facility to zoom in and out of text , all at an editable level , such that you can magnify , say , three point text to take up as much of the screen as you choose , or , conversely , diminish 72 point text to as small as you can read in order to edit it .
17 The one real problem is the voice-over give to Liotta 's wife , which drifts in and out of the action and rather muddies Scorsese 's operatic clarity .
18 Whispering Robert Wyatt drifts in and out of ‘ Saratoga ’ , as the Marine boys continue in much the same vein as their splendid LP .
19 A Background Rock 19cm high , with holes for your fish to swim in and out of .
20 It is hard for them not to believe , for they slip in and out of belief caressed by the changing breezes of cultural fashion .
21 Above which , an embroidery of light flickered in and out of existence , stitching hints of a sampler spelling out death .
22 The red rays flickered in and out of the grass stems , flashing minutely on membranous wings , casting long shadows behind the thinnest of filamentary legs , breaking each pitch of bare soil into a myriad individual grains .
23 TOLBY FLICKERED IN and out of sight as he walked along the line of parked cars .
24 The ragged figure shook with fury , his breath wheezing in and out of his tiny frame .
25 These were wound in and out of her long hair .
26 We slipped along the now four-lane Al Ain highway , winding in and out of the sections which were still in the process of being built .
27 Some of the tunnels must have run for miles , winding in and out of the channels of water that threaded everywhere .
28 We had also managed to scrounge plenty of drink and , as we had the whole theatre to ourselves , we played endless games of paper chase and treasure hunt in and out of the stalls and the boxes and the circle .
29 It 's an easy lock for you to come in and out of your houses with .
30 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
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