Example sentences of "[verb] got [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think everyone has got to shoulder the responsibility for defeat , not just Graham .
2 ‘ It 's a wicked shame that the poor old thing has got to leave the cottage she 's lived in most of her life , ’ continued Mrs. Grant .
3 You 've got fifteen minutes in which the trainer has got to teach the person who 's making paper aeroplanes how to make them , alright , and tell them
4 And then the judge has got to ask the people where they were and then you 've got to clap something so they clap clap and then you 've got to point at somebody .
5 He has got to do the rescuing .
6 Rocastle has got to do the business , score a hat trick or something .
7 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
8 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
9 the they day staff , so consequently whoever 's in a =pec specific position has got to have the responsibilities that go with that position .
10 Somewhere along the line somebody has got to hear the truth and it has got to come out . ’
11 And er we used to get the work come to us all jumble up in waggons , and throw it onto a bench and then of course you 'd got to pick the top before you could turn it .
12 So we 'd got to take the card and show her the Mother , we 'd been .
13 And she said the extra bits she 'd got completed the collection .
14 In wartime food had got to be produced , and all the young men were off the land , somebody 'd got to grow the food to feed this country and it was getting a bit desperate , because , old Hitler , he was no fool .
15 er reading and I ha , I could n't hold of enough of the material in the time I 'd got to write the essay so I would n't have studied enough , so I did this one on machines , and I got hold of two good books .
16 And of course And anyway , we got there , it was alright , and erm I had to fill this tractor , where it was , of course they 're going to make fun of me again , first morning I 'd got to get the tractor ready , and you know them , five gallon five gallon , things can happen at the time , and I have been had been supposed to be to get the hole at the top of the can , and not spill it you see .
17 I say , I 'll I 've got to walk the end of the street , get a bus .
18 If Sid chose to hang on , he could now sell his shares for around 85% more than he paid — a far better deal than he would have got buying the market as a whole .
19 ‘ I 've got to shut the roof , ’ she said .
20 and I said then on the , on the Saturday his leg , his wound , he come out of intensive care on the Wednesday and on the Saturday his , his dressing had n't been changed on his leg and it reeked and I said can we actually please have a clean dressing for my dad 's leg , even if I 've got to put the bugger on myself , that was at quarter past eight
21 Well I would the only thing I can say in this is this cash , I know they said they 'd get it got in the piggy bank before the poll tax , but as they keep shouting about they 've got to put the poll tax up , they 've got no money , they they 're putting the staff off and one thing and another .
22 Well no y she could n't put the B side in cos she s you 've got to put the A in .
23 Yeah , but then you 've got to put the containers inside them so that 's another few quid , yeah , right , wait and see what he says .
24 You 've got to put the basin upside down in the middle of the tin or the ducklings 'll fall in and drown . ’
25 Mind you , you just have to learn , you can only , you 've got to put the paper up that sticks have n't you ?
26 You 've got to put the clef at the beginning of it you really ought to .
27 So , all that you need to think , to remember things like , do n't , is that it 's do not , and you 've got to put the apostrophe in where the letter 's been missed .
28 So one person will do the bandage on the elbow and the other person with the good looking knees , you 'll be the casualty for where you 've got to put the knee bandage on , cos you wo n't , if you do n't roll your trousers up a bit you 're not going to have much bandage to do much bandaging with on the knee , okay , so decide amongst yourselves who 's got the good looking knee
29 cos it 's made out of aluminium and you 've got to put the glass in , it 's really expensive I tell you
30 You 've got to push the choke in now as far as it 'll go .
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