Example sentences of "[verb] us with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As so often in the past , Our Lady blessed us with fine weather so that were able to hold our group procession on Wednesday morning , carrying her statue along the holy mile to the Shrine , singing hymns and reciting the Rosary .
2 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
3 I also knew the leaves of some trees , plants or grasses that provided us with instant cures for bee stings or bites from centipedes or scorpions .
4 The voyage of the good ship ‘ Ceilidh ’ in September provided us with many lessons in seamanship and Christian living .
5 Have we been expelled from an arcadia of fun where nature provided us with innocent automata , lowing and braying machines for our amusement ?
6 This provided us with fantastic entertainment , and more seriously , a talking point about respecting peoples views — particularly within our church communities .
7 Then they also turned down our application to have Gay News in the library , which provided us with further ammunition and an unexpected new member .
8 Each of these companies provided us with detailed information of their purchases , which provided the basis for our estimate of ‘ indirect ’ employment described in Section 3 .
9 Some horses also like to tease us , to irritate us with trivial annoyances — and especially in front of an audience .
10 ‘ I 'm sure I do n't know for what act of yours the Deity has seen fit to bless us with mounted Normans , and shiploads of mercenaries , and woods that burn in a trice , but you must have dropped a word somewhere that commended itself . ’
11 Maureen Ruchardson , who made a similar appearance in the B is for Book exhibition at the Shipley Art Gallery in Gateshead , continues to cook and beat the fibres of local plants to provide us with hand-made paper .
12 Our billetors were obliged , wherever possible , to provide us with one bath per week ; where this was not possible , facilities were available at B.P. , but this interfered with transport provisions , and sometimes a request for private transport was necessary , though not readily granted , and arrangements for this were in the hands of a Mrs Wildboar-Smith .
13 We can not answer that question with certainty , but the details of the story itself would seem to provide us with several clues .
14 The problem arises because there is nothing in our day-to-day life to provide us with sufficient exercise .
15 We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the accounts are free from material misstatement , whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error .
16 And , of course , we hope that piloting centres will continue to provide us with vital feedback .
17 As the great British biologist/mathematician J.B.S. Haldane commented , human beings would be hard pressed , however long natural selection acted upon them , to sprout the wings of an angel ; we just do not have the genes that would even begin to provide the appropriate structures , and past selection has never acted to provide us with these structures .
18 Whilst variational methods at least provide us with upper bounds , many modern approaches such as the use of many-body perturbation theory are non-variational .
19 Your articles on women and workers make fascinating reading but provide us with little hope that a movement for change is likely to come from these quarters .
20 The apes provide us with much information concerning possible roots of sociable behaviour in man .
21 This is the case for the English king 's financial archives which provide us with much information on the sums collected , how they were spent , and the organisation which lay behind that expenditure .
22 Philip VI did so at Crécy in 1346 ; John II was captured at the battle of Poitiers in 1356 ; Charles VII personally led the assault on Pontoise in 1441 ; while on the English side Edward III and Henry V provide us with excellent examples of the martial qualities demonstrated by certain kings .
23 They were engraved with elaborate scenes of myth and ritual and consequently provide us with valuable information about the Minoans ' religious beliefs ( see Chapter 6 ) .
24 Inasmuch as the parables provide us with some indication of how Jesus saw the world , it must be said that women would appear .
25 Bourdieu 's work on the new middle classes ( what he calls the new petit bourgeoisie ) and Goldthorpe et al. 's study of the service class 's social mobility provide us with some clues .
26 Alf 's grand-daughter , Ann Parker , still lives in Darlington and kindly helped us with these illustrations from her collection of footballing photographs , medals and newspaper cuttings .
27 Following toasts to the University , to Convocation and to our Guests , Mr Orme rounded off the evening by regaling us with some reminiscences of his early days in Parliament , where he has served for Salford West from 1964–1983 and Salford East since 1983 during which time he has held several posts in Government and on the Opposition front bench , and going on to more recent experiences whilst visiting Eastern Europe as the moves towards democracy gathered strength .
28 Fucking Brinley 's a big fucking tart as far as I 'm concerned there are young man are you coming to discover us with young Sam ?
29 And I find it somehow very encouraging that television can present us with real people instead of the usual cyphers and still strike such deep and resonant chords in so many .
30 As 1993 approaches we are conscious that factors like the expansion of the European Community , the emergence of the Eastern European democracies and the break up of the Soviet Union , not to mention events nearer home , will present us with new challenges and opportunities .
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