Example sentences of "[verb] something [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Holding it up , he shouts something to the two Tibetans by the fire .
2 I think for every feeling , no matter how inward and personal it appears , the writer has to find something in the visible world which corresponds to it , to make it visible for the reader .
3 If the adventurers stop to negotiate , Juliane explains that she and Maximilian have come to the Castle to find something in the Great Tower .
4 Although hailed by the leaders of the Catholic revival as their patron , ‘ the good Earl John ’ ( as he was known by them ) retained something of the recusant Catholic families ' suspicion of ‘ enthusiasm ’ , religious fervour , and triumphalism .
5 At first the freemen of both town and country had an organization and a type of property which still retained something of the communal as well as something of the private , but in the town a radical transformation was taking place .
6 This convention retained something of the laconic style of drafting of its Latin American predecessors , and like them applied in principle to both the service of documents and the taking of evidence .
7 No I want another half because I want something on the other one .
8 According to Schleiermacher , each positive religion contains something of the true nature of religion , and the ‘ primordial form ’ , the ‘ essence ’ , or ‘ transcendental unity ’ of religion , is comprehended not by deducing it from the common elements of particular religions as a kind of abstraction , but in and through the language and traditions of particular religions .
9 I mean we used to do the annual report because the R C E had to provide something to the General Manager
10 No answer , but perhaps he found something in the watchful face that was not quite mute , for he smiled , and deep within the hollow eyes a spark kindled .
11 Perhaps they reflect nothing at all except the accidents of conception : but I suspect that there is often , in fact , a buried clue here , and that if we could unearth it we should know something about the early growth of many market towns that no documents will ever tell us .
12 So , the research worker should know something about the main ways to obtain information from the library .
13 It has something of the African tomtom and voodoo dance . ’
14 These workers regarded themselves as temporarily relieving their parents of the burden of supporting them and perhaps contributing something to the overall family budget .
15 The Guild consists of around 140 writers and winning projects have to be environmentally sound as well as contributing something to the local economy .
16 He will liaise with the medical rehabilitation teams and with the ERCs to know something of the overall picture of the person 's employment problem .
17 It is vitally important to know something of the individual richness and variety of each religious tradition before becoming subject to the generalisations of those engaged in comparative religion .
18 Let us resolve that we will give something during the coming months , even if it is only something that we no longer need , to help those who are hungry and in desperate need .
19 He was so efficient , I 'm wondering if he could do something about the disgusting chick pea casserole they serve on the Intercity 125 .
20 If the Minister is genuinely concerned about maritime safety , he must do something about the massive proposed cuts in the coastguard service .
21 A Reagan administration in Sacramento , the voters were led to believe , would do something about the rising tide of crime in the state , would take people off welfare and put them to work and , above all else , it would get the government off the people 's back .
22 I mean , it needs to perhaps perhaps they can do something for the first couple
23 And I think that if people who are still smoking , and I think nearly every smoker is unhappy with their habit , if they will remember that and think that they can actually do something for the next generation , it 's not their fault , there are people out there , there are forces out there who are forced them to start smoking and who are trying to get the generation to start .
24 Much as he mistrusted almost every Irishman with whom he came in contact on the Continent ( Bishop Clement for his disrespect of patristic authority , the priest Sampson for his cavalier attitude to the baptismal rite , Virgil of Salzburg for sowing dissension between himself and the duke of Bavaria as well as for believing that the world was round ) , Boniface 's establishing of monasteries as the learned back-up to missionary work and his devotion to the papacy and to Rome both owed something to the Irish background in England .
25 Its formation may have owed something to the traditional structure of the peasant commune ; its unity and authority were enhanced by the absence of firmly entrenched separate trade unions ; and its electoral procedure was drawn directly from the experience of the Shidlovsky Commission .
26 They were more articulate , had seen something of the wider world , retained a thirst for knowledge , and were sceptical towards the Church .
27 We have seen something of the various situations in which non-fatal physical harm might occur .
28 But he had certainly seen something of the Greek civilization , with its philosophic schools , theatres and gymnasia .
29 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
30 Then he says something about the formal appeal of this sculpture to twentieth-century Western taste , because of its freedom from the canon of realism :
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