Example sentences of "[verb] work for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1953 , the British National Conference on Social Work warned of the problems of abrupt retirement , while throughout the decade old people 's welfare committees acted to find work for the elderly .
2 The pressure to find work for the 2260 staff at ISPRA is intense because of a commitment by research ministers to keep on all of ISPRA 's nuclear scientists — even though their biggest project , Super-SARA , has been abandoned .
3 Voluntary contributions to the ‘ poor boxes ’ in the parish churches proved less and less adequate to maintain those in need , and from time to time a tax , or rate , was levied on all the property in the parish ; the proceeds were then used by the churchwardens and by ‘ overseers of the poor ’ to support the old , the sick and orphans , to provide work for the able-bodied poor , and accommodation for the homeless .
4 For individuals the centre offers the opportunity to develop personal skills and the possibility of submitting work for a higher degree or DBA of Brunel University , based on either full-time or part-time study and PhD or MPhil by full-time study .
5 For individuals the centre offers the opportunity to develop personal skills and the possibility of submitting work for a higher degree , DBA , PhD or MPhil of Brunel University .
6 They advocated a less sectarian approach to relations with the Labour Party , favouring work for a third Labour Government , rather than the virtually syndicalist policy being put forward by the ILP .
7 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
8 The laboratory undertakes work for a wide range of external customers , this includes calibrations in the fields of , temperature , pressure , electrical and electronic measurements .
9 Perhaps by then the Government may have some strategy that will provide work for the million or so unemployed that it overlooks while compiling the official figures .
10 The office on G floor prepares work for the Conservation Workshop , and the level 7 office processes work for Sighthill Bindery .
11 Percy Wyndham Lewis [ q.v. ] visited Bomberg at his Tenter Buildings studio in 1912 , and in 1913 he travelled to Paris with ( Sir ) Jacob Epstein [ q.v. ] to select work for the Jewish section of an important exhibition of ‘ Twentieth Century Art ’ at the Whitechapel Art Gallery ( 1914 ) .
12 The first was William Purser who over twenty-five years had built up the Delta mission , originated work for the blind , organised teacher-training and supervised the small theological school of the diocese .
13 A new leaflet aimed at young people starting work for the first time has been produced by the Inland Revenue .
14 It had been thrilling at first to start work for a real knight and his lady and to live in this tall mansion with its halls and parlours , its tapestries and suits of armour .
15 About six months after the dinner party she realised that , for the first time in her life , she had turned down a decent journalistic commission in order to start work for a crazy old lady off Ladbroke Grove , whose garden specialised in old roses , and who was insistent about sterilising soil before new plantings .
16 Those people who have the record sheets from last week , ten , ten people that are doing work for the British National Corpus .
17 I er , in fact , we , yeah , we just had a problem yesterday , we started work for the Royal Scotsman and erm well we started work for them , like last year and we 've been doing jobs
18 ‘ I really like and can recommend work for the Inland Revenue ’ .
19 Undertaking work for an overseas office
20 We will turn later to the question of finding work for the unemployed able-bodied .
21 Local children were very keen to get work for the long season at Blackpool .
22 This enabled some major figures to show work for the first time .
23 It was in their interests to make work for the dental profession and sell vitamin C , not to let it get about that simply by keeping their hands where they ought to be young people could have healthy teeth and gums for life .
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