Example sentences of "[verb] back in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She hailed it , gave the Chinese driver her address in a monotone , and sank back in the air-conditioned interior , staring at the white skyscrapers below .
2 ‘ We wanted to play Dublin but all the venues were booked out months ago , so we 'll have to come back in the New Year and do somewhere like the SFX or the Stadium .
3 They were piled haphazardly , some put back in the wrong sleeves , and were mainly recordings of Italian opera .
4 and I went out to tell him and he started talking to me for something and when I came back in the fucking milk !
5 The Sheffield Wednesday defender last night confirmed that he 's ready to bounce back in the live TV match with Spurs exactly 12 days after a horror collision .
6 The next psychological breakpoint is the 1,000dpi mark which was the point at which digital phototypesetting began to be accepted back in the late 60s and through the 70s .
7 I would put on a tape of Tudor madrigals — a new interest — and lie back in the contoured leather seats , letting myself melt into the crevices of Morley 's sinuous six-part harmony and observing the surrounding misery with mounting satisfaction .
8 Dunwoody was surprised when the judge called him the winner on Remittance Man in the opening Bristol Novice Hurdle , believing Peter Scudamore had got back in the final strides on the favourite Regal Ambition after being headed halfway up the run-in .
9 It is a highly successful adaptation of an advertisement which was first shown back in the early 1980s in Britain .
10 Wish all over home she fired back in the rapid , unpunctuated shorthand of spelling and sign , blinking through the thick lenses of her glasses .
11 The Irish tag was redeemed for a small reward and it was only when it arrived back in the Central Fisheries Board office , Dublin , that Sea Angling Officer , Peter Green , discovered that a new distance record had been set for their shark tag scheme .
12 John Diggins ' involvement with Tony Iommi began back in the early '70s when working with guitar builder John Birch on Tony 's original black guitar .
13 Ruth hung back in the shadowy hallway and peered through the wide arched open front door , her heart beating so wildly she felt sick with it .
14 If you use an equaliser during your video editing sessions , carefully check the effect of each adjustment as you go , by monitoring the sound over a loudspeaker ( headphones may not give a true impression of how the tone corrections will sound when played back in the normal way ) .
15 I mean back in the early nineteen eighties when we sold our first er system abroad we were quite surprised to find out that the French did n't have a road called Edgeware Road and an organization called B A C S on it .
16 As it turned out , the principal had caught the other boys , and they were all being marched back in the front door of the school , but Mouse did n't know that .
17 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
18 Had IBM known back in the early 1980s what it knows now , it would have opened up its VM operating system , which also has its roots in development , but , coming from the button-down IBM world has many more security and management features than Unix started out with .
19 Gina settled back in the comfortable upholstery and expelled her breath in a gesture of resignation .
20 And lolling back in the high chair , he promptly fell asleep .
21 I think the answer is to be found back in the basic theory .
22 When he had arrived back in the cold dawn that early morning after the night with Emily , it was to find his landlady Mrs McIntosh waiting , his valise and books by her , her face severe .
23 Her black hair was swept back in the careless style that only the most expensive hairdressing can give .
24 Oh well we 'll go back in the other room .
25 With a mother who was active in B'nai B'rith , Anne Barth was offered a place on one of the early Kindertransporte , but her parents decided to hold back in the faint hope that conditions would improve .
26 One feels that his ghost may now rest in peace , happy in the knowledge that this exceptional cliff has now fully realised the potential he first saw back in the mid 1950s .
27 Every time I come here I begin to worry that I have somehow crossed into another stream and am sailing back in the opposite direction .
28 We were troubled at how Frank would cope back in the big world .
29 Do make sure too , especially on some of the brushes that have washers ( plastic coverings ) , that they go back in the right order and that the screw is done up IN THE CENTRE of the washer .
30 And I lay back in the cradling pouch-seat , enjoying the feeling of being safe and relaxed — and financially secure for a while , with that fee safely tucked away in my Fedbank account .
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