Example sentences of "[verb] back down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When the first frosts came he moved back down to the village .
2 Allan Scuffle ( or scuffling Allan ) gave me a frank grin and handshake , and I wandered back down to the Liffey .
3 That 's where the blood leads by , okay , on that side of the heart the left hand side of the heart it 's being pumped and therefore the muscle is a bigger muscle , that 's doing the contracting , the blood push out and it relaxes back again and that allows the blood to be sucked back down into the heart , okay , and the next time it 's shh , that goes out and then it relaxes down again and the blood sucks back down into the heart , okay so that 's what it does , all the muscle can do is that , muscle can only retract and then it relaxes , contract and then it relaxes , that 's what the heart 's doing all the time , how many beats a minute ?
4 Simple arithmetic told us that even if we gained the summit we would be stumbling back down in the dark like late cinema-goers trying to find their seats .
5 ‘ Shit , ’ snapped Donna , sinking back down to the floor .
6 As Billy came back down by the river and up the hill towards the cottage , he knew the danger in the kitchen had a name at last .
7 When you came back down from the mountains you made some recordings that to this very day have a unique atmosphere about them — the Metamorphosen , the Brahms Requiem — but when you went to England to work with Legge 's Philharmonia there was an added interest to your music-making : the enormous repertory you managed to acquire and record .
8 Lying back down on the rumpled bed , she stretched luxuriously , then hooked her hands round the bed-head and stared up at the ceiling , a soft smile on her face .
9 You go up to the top , then ski back down to the bottom .
10 Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that he did n't run back down to the beach and cut himself on the rusty barbed wire .
11 With every nerve straining to turn tail and run , she 'd backed away as quietly as possible and once she was out of earshot raced back down to the beach to find the tide had turned .
12 Immediately the two youngsters had been forced to descend back down into the tunnel .
13 He walked back down to the green and waited out of the wind on the churchyard side .
14 The central reception and dining area was under the shelter of a huge ‘ banyan ’ tree whose aerial roots hung back down to the ground like fronds .
15 Blanche held the man 's gaze for a second and glanced back down at the piece of paper .
16 I sit back down on the bench and sort of snuggle into my coat to try and keep warm .
17 The seneschal looked briefly at the quivering attendant being looked after by the others , then he shrugged and said something to the under-cook , who quickly got back down off the stool and turned to the others .
18 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
19 The defenders pushed at the makeshift scaling ladders , and at least one went crashing back down into the crowd below ; but those who exposed themselves to do it were immediately the target of a dozen archers .
20 The standard will reportedly provide a standard set of techniques for independent software vendors to write to and should allow users to get Unix applications up and running from an install icon within a variety of graphical environments without the need to go back down to the shell , be they native or guest implementations .
21 Andrew Cunningham , who had been fortunate in having been one of the men brought up to the surface to erect a fence round the subsidence , volunteered to go back down into the unknown to search for his missing colleagues .
22 After delivering the kick , the foot must be pulled back very quickly and brought back down to the ground to leave the karateka in his original stance .
23 After lunch they all trooped back down to the beach with plastic bags and jars for specimens , and Carolyn lagged behind .
24 They 'd finished their show and were coming back down to the damp and squalid cellar the management refused to redecorate because of its ‘ classic atmosphere ’ .
25 And that 's the only time you 're going to find it when you 're linking the heart and the lungs , now look at those two areas where you 've got blood coming back down into the heart , can you see those two wishbones there coming back down into the heart , do you see where I mean , yes ?
26 And that 's the only time you 're going to find it when you 're linking the heart and the lungs , now look at those two areas where you 've got blood coming back down into the heart , can you see those two wishbones there coming back down into the heart , do you see where I mean , yes ?
27 She got to her feet and started to run back down to the temple .
28 ‘ Oh , be quiet , do , you stupid dog ! ’ scolded the housekeeper , slapping the animal smartly on his nose so that he leapt back down off the bed on to which he had just jumped .
29 If he swam the river , he would have to make his way upstream well beyond the yacht and within sight of the bridge or be swept back down by the current .
30 Maybe he should go back down through the wood .
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