Example sentences of "[verb] down [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I feel somewhat like a Saint Bernard as I track down the American conductor John Nelson by telephone across the Alps .
2 From where she stood it shimmered in silver under a glancing sun , though upstream at the inn , where she had seen it close to , it rolled darkly brown and turgid , and laden with the debris of bushes , for the spring thaw had come late and violently , bringing down an immense weight of snow-water from the mountains of Wales .
3 He was responding to Monday 's claim in the Belfast Irish News that at least three dozen officers were members of a secret ‘ inner circle ’ which had the objects of ‘ removing ’ republican suspects and bringing down the Anglo-Irish agreement .
4 Partnerships could henceforth be established between consenting adults so that ‘ two men could live permanently together without fearing prattling informers bringing down the criminal law upon them ’ .
5 Heseltine faced the tactical dilemma that were he to campaign openly and be seen to be instrumental in splitting the party and bringing down the Prime Minister , he would be criticised as divisive and disloyal .
6 Obviously , the short lives of all those babies and children will have a great effect in bringing down the average figure as even the least mathematical of us will be able to understand .
7 The terrorists know that by hitting commercial buildings and their insurers they are also hitting at a British Government faced with potentially huge underwriting costs even as it is desperate to find ways of bringing down the public sector borrowing requirement .
8 In 51 minutes Ian Ferguson crashed in a fierce 20 yarder which flew wide and Rangers missed a great chance to go ahead when Murdoch saved a Hateley penalty kick , after the keeper had been penalised for bringing down the big attacker .
9 An elderly Indian woman in a sari is closing up and bringing down the grated gate .
10 It has no calories of its own , but it does slow down the metabolic rate , making it harder to burn up the calories you do consume .
11 However , if weight loss is excessive , then muscle tissue rather than fat tissue is lost , and this in turn will slow down the metabolic rate , making it more difficult to lose weight thereafter .
12 Better sacks have bound seams which do at least slow down the leaking process .
13 Vitamin E : research shows that it interrupts the free radical chain of destruction and so can slow down the ageing process .
14 The rising sun , lancing down the Sambre valley , dazzled Sharpe .
15 This laid down a future programme in which , among the many proposals , they called for Burma 's recognition within the family of nations and admission to the UN , and finally ‘ the establishment of a sovereign state in the very near future ’ .
16 4.17 In Roberts v Johnstone [ 1988 ] 3 WLR 1247 the Court of Appeal laid down a general rule for assessing damages where a plaintiff has to purchase special accommodation .
17 Look at the decision of the Exchequer Chamber how we may , it laid down a new principle .
18 In a far-reaching judgment , the Court of Appeals laid down a new test for the determination of the question of non-literal copyright infringement , that is , whether there has been an infringement of copyright in non-literal elements such as program structure .
19 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
20 A shift in the weather pattern , bringing low pressure systems across the Alps in December laid down a firm base .
21 John Stuart Mill 's definition of the limits of law to curtail individual freedom laid down a simple principle : ‘ that the sole end for which mankind are warranted , individually or collectively , in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number , is self-protection .
22 The Barrington Sports Centre in the Algarve laid down a first-class pitch and I arranged a game for the Lord 's Taverners against a Portuguese Invitation XI to open up the ground .
23 The controls , which laid down a minimum deposit for certain goods , restricted the amount of the finance charge which could be made and prohibited finance charges altogether for others , lingered on for a few years afterwards as part of what was still more or less a strictly managed war-time economy .
24 The Opencast Coal Act 1958 laid down a special method of control operated by the Minister of Power ( later the Secretary of State for Energy ) .
25 His most effective early church planter laid down the great missionary principle of becoming all things to all men that by all means he might win some .
26 It laid down the general principle of comprehensive education which would have ended selection over a period ( but this was repealed in the 1979 Act ) .
27 Lord Atkin laid down the narrow rule in Donoghue v Stevenson [ 1932 ] AC 562 : A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products will result in an injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
28 Cornelius laid down the unsipped glass .
29 The big moment came : she opened her hand and laid down the burdened flower by Maman 's plate .
30 The statutes laid down the maximum size of peasant land allotments .
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