Example sentences of "[verb] after [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was going to shout to tell them they had forgotten me , when suddenly I saw a huge creature walking after them into the sea .
2 She sincerely believes that her grandmother looks after her in the spirit world .
3 She is on excellent terms with all the regular guests , and looks after them in a way which is almost maternal .
4 before us but their plan now is to come after us on a D C nine
5 Arnie had never looked after her in the way Guido meant , performing the sort of small but pleasing acts of chivalry that seemed to come so naturally to him .
6 The decision to place Gareth in the care of his grandparents , who have looked after him in the past while his mother was working , was taken by Strathclyde Regional Council 's social work department .
7 Yes , they have n't really looked after him in the field have they ?
8 A second set of trophies , the Thirsk Bowman 's Insignia , was presented in 1884 , after the death of Henry Peckett who had looked after them since the demise of that society .
9 What point in having , I suppose it 's my fault , I should have read these erm , bits added to it more carefully earlier , but it does n't seem to have anything in their about anybody who is actually claiming a carer 's allowance from looking after somebody at the time , and whether we should have a phrase in there that it does n't include anybody that is collecting from the D S S S or anything else for a carer 's allowance anyway , because you do n't want to double pay anybody .
10 mother you do not have to stay there , why , I mean he 's quite capable looking after himself for a weekend , you know my father had a series of stroke 's when he was in his fifties
11 An invaluable reference book offering plenty of advice on looking after everything in the home — from the furniture to the family .
12 Theda stood looking after them for a moment , aware of her own burning curiosity .
13 She stood looking after him for a moment ; then she dropped on to an upturned box , and bending her head into the folds of flesh under her chin , she asked of herself why she had to do this .
14 Having delivered Eliot to those who were looking after him for the night , we walked back to our colleges discussing the evening , with the ardour of youth which included that most interesting of contests , the comparison of recollections .
15 The ambulance came , and she ended up looking after him in the intensive care unit .
16 The key to being naturally beautiful is looking after yourself on the inside as well as the outside and that means eating healthily .
17 Obviously she is very upset being left alone in a strange country and we are looking after her at the police station .
18 Was n't he supposed to be looking after her in a sanatorium ? ’
19 It was then that I experienced a side of Max that I had not known before : he was most caring and attentive , almost maternal , getting doctors and nurses , staying with me and looking after me in every way .
20 Around 1.7 million of these were looking after someone in the same household ; 1.4 million were providing help or supervision for at least twenty hours a week ; and 3.7 million were carrying the main responsibility for providing that help ( Green , 1988 ) .
21 It 's a factual mistake , of course , because er , there are n't in fact deities looking after us in the way there were parents in , in childhood .
22 er there 's a new er thing started with Friends Provident by er following first call , I 'm now responsible for looking after you as a policy holder , that 's the first point
23 ‘ My dear , your real mother has been looking after you for the past twenty years , ’ said Miss Rose sharply .
24 ‘ His neighbour is looking after it at the moment but I do n't think she 'll be prepared to keep it indefinitely .
25 It 's worn well ; David must be looking after it with a coat of stop-rot now and then . ’
26 Her legs felt absolutely leaden as she trudged after him towards the house .
27 Perhaps , thought Robert , as he trudged after her towards the iron gates , this was a signal for their lovemaking to become more decorous .
28 With a hiss , the double-sided door began to close , just as the figure of Mahon turned the corner and came after them at a terrifying speed .
29 They called to him twice before he heard , and then he started and came after them at a rapid walk , like a man driven by some urgent pain he could not slough off .
30 And , of course , people who do help by sponsoring these items could even choose to have a rare creature named after them in an unusual form of immortality .
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