Example sentences of "[verb] her [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 We really want her out of the way for that . ’
2 Unless you want her out of the way , ’ I explained .
3 You want her out of the way ? ’
4 Grasping her elbow , Donal moved her out of the way of the small bridesmaid who seemed to have got over-excited and was racing around with someone 's little boy .
5 Juliet and Tunney helped her out of the tank .
6 Dinah felt herself trembling ; this was the man who had libelled Paul and herself , had made their early years wretched , had hounded her out of the only world she knew .
7 It had ended with Tony manhandling her out of the house .
8 He had hustled her out of the kitchen into the boudoir and kissed her on the lips , slipping his arm round her waist .
9 Members of a Cardiff ladies ' rowing club tried to pull her out of the mud , but found the current was too fast , and the bitch ( yes , she is called Eric ! ) , too heavy .
10 Carol had more or less righted herself by the time I let her out of the side door .
11 A whole exciting new scene was being born all about her and pushing her out of the way .
12 Of course , you must make sure you protect the baby from a toddler who pinches or slaps or tries to tip her out of the pram when your back is turned .
13 Poppy dissolved into a quivering heap when staff tried to lead her out of the cage , so they suggested that I tried .
14 However , there were people there who were ‘ greatly desiring that she had been out of that country ’ , and she bustled off to York , where the Archbishop paid a man five shillings to lead her out of the town .
15 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
16 He had assured her he would be able to lead her out of the forest , but so far they seemed only to have become tangled further in its mazy pathways .
17 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
18 The year before she had missed some exams because her mother had chucked her out of the house for coming in too late at night .
19 He took her arm , shepherded her out of the building , into the street .
20 It occurred to her that he could tip her out of the window without any effort at all , and she shrank back .
21 ‘ Now look what you 've made me do ! ’ she exclaimed agitatedly , then gasped in surprise when Leo got lazily to his feet , grasped both her elbows and lifted her out of the way .
22 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
23 It took me nearly twenty minutes to talk her out of the loo , finally having to promise that Nevil was not a friend , that he would n't call the police and that there would be no need for Mr and Mrs Binkworthy to know anything untoward had happened that afternoon .
24 The pub had drawn her out of the cold and fog into warmth .
25 He took her arm , almost lifting her from her seat , leading her out of the kitchen with no further words .
26 And if he threw her out of the palazzo afterwards , so what ?
27 He had taken her out one day , her and Mama , and when he had handed her out of the big Daimler , her papa 's pride , he had slipped a note into her hand , inviting her to meet him when his duties were over , and go out with him — perhaps for a ride on the Brooklyn Ferry .
28 I understand it was your own stupidity in refusing to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd got her out of the house .
29 The preacherman had hauled her out of the Feelgood and battered her face against the road .
30 How can I just ring her out of the blue and tell her that her daughter has married the first Italian she 's met , without telling any of us ? ’
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