Example sentences of "[verb] one [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once again , start with the largest flowers and place one at the top and one at the bottom of the design , and then two staggered in the middle .
2 Take two potatoes of the same variety and place one in the fridge on a high setting and the other in the vegetable rack for three days .
3 I do n't know one from the other by name .
4 Boring work , but if you want one for the glass case , this is the best way to go about achieving that aim .
5 Well if it was in chronological order , you want one on the top .
6 There was a bright red chair in the corner , though — a soft , comfortable chair with silken cushions — another , smaller , matching one by the bed , and Jenna was quite entranced .
7 For Saints , Tommy Turner is clearly enjoying his new role as sweeper , while Paul Deas looks one for the future at left-back .
8 ‘ There was no Albert Bridge then , ’ recalled Ben Bellaser , ‘ to span the river and ride over the ancient town with its oppressive grandeur , and the moon was rising and lighting up the shore and houses as they rose one over the other in terrace fashion against the dark blue starry sky ’ .
9 : 25mm x 5mm ( 1in x ¼in ) by the width of the blind less 20mm ( ¾in ) ; you will need one for the base of the blind and one for each channel .
10 Well I , I might just block it off get another piece of wood and put it in there and just nail that fucking lot up and block off completely , otherwise Nick 's , if Nicholas is playing in the garden he 'll be out of there like a shot , so you 're gon na get one post there , say one in the middle and one at the end .
11 Ideally , site one in the hall and another on the landing .
12 ’ To give examples , he suggests that a kayak should have a jettisoning pod to prevent entrapment situations without making it clear that the buyer is unlikely to find one on the market .
13 An instruction adds one to the modifier field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the two fields are equal .
14 swap one for the other .
15 Then he went to bed , having checked the room for electronic bugs and found one in the base of the lamp .
16 They wanted a new start and found one in the form of nearby Hangman 's Wood , owned by the Marley Paving company .
17 He found one near the exit where the checkout girl was just opening up and Mum wheeled her trolley into the space .
18 Mr. Collins 's letter to my constituent , which is extremely clear , states : ’ In the case of the rail link , there would have been no proposal to build a terminal , were it not for the need to provide one for the Channel Tunnel rail link .
19 Instead of upholding one at the expense of the other , Bachelard offers the possibility of a deconstructive history which would reinscribe that which had been excluded ; this could also enable a differential history of science and ideology , accounting for the perpetuation of ideology after the production of science .
20 They merely assumed that inhibition generates the incest taboo without pointing to any behavioural mechanism that could translate one into the other .
21 ‘ Your daughter has one in the sitting room , on the bureau . ’
22 Waste paper is no longer generated by the ton and almost every home has one in the form of a television set — imagine the popularity of home computers if Teletypes were still used !
23 This places one in the domain of knowledge or facts and the perceiving necessarily precedes the logical conclusion to which it gives rise .
24 Later I put one on the wall of my study so that I could watch these changes in my appearance .
25 Put one on the table and the other in the fridge .
26 Yeah , cos like if you 've got three Ss or something then you put one at the bottom of the pack and keep the card if you 've got an
27 Now what I 'd like you to do is to select two , I told you I 'd be serious in the last part , the whole is here , is select the two pads you like best , please , and put one at the front of the binder and one at the back .
28 That 's not all the way round , that 's just multiplying one by the other .
29 And you can then also couple between keyboards so that if you want to you can play the sounds from this keyboard on the lower one by coupling the two together and making them work as a pair , but that removes the inde independency of being able to set one against the other .
30 In general L and P are not equal and it is therefore reasonable to ask if there are theoretical reasons for favouring one over the other .
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