Example sentences of "[verb] than a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This means that , to an author sitting at the keyboard of , say , an Apple Macintosh , the biggest of printing presses has become no harder to instruct than a laser-printer down the corridor .
2 This is more an opportunity to be grabbed than a threat to the survival of Japanese factories abroad .
3 Obviously some situations are much more serious and therefore more difficult to resolve than a dispute over an untidy room .
4 All these methods are ways to reduce the amount of data captured , do n't forget than a 5″ by 4″ black& white photo scanned with 64 levels of grey will take a theoretical 1.35M of storage .
5 If you overdo it , the model will merely slip sideways , which is much easier to control than a tail down reversal into the ground .
6 That sounds more like a pose defiantly struck than a programme of reform : more Byron than Dickens .
7 It worked out electronically that it took a fish finger less time to defrost than a leg of lamb , and when your designer-label , calorie-counted tagliatelle was ready for eating , it told you so with five bleeps rather than the paltry three offered by the cheaper models .
8 A great advantage is that taxation of property , which is geographically immobile , is easier to collect than a taxation on individuals , who may be mobile .
9 Of course , these considerations may lead firms collectively to undertake absurdly ambitious , big science projects when more modest research programmes would be optimal , and it is possible that research conducted collectively will be less well managed than a series of smaller scale independent projects ( the incentive to control costs may be weakened when costs are shared , and centralizing research efforts can often narrow their scope considerably ) .
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