Example sentences of "[verb] my [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 This may all sound very trivial but it has the effect of making me almost hate my body to the extent that I feel ashamed to let John see me naked .
2 ‘ Oh God , ’ I moaned , and lowered my head to the cool steel pipe of the bridge rail .
3 Sell my soul to the de devil himself .
4 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
5 Quietly , choosing my time , I shall make my way to the Garden Tower and try to gain access to the upper chamber . ’
6 ‘ Wait but a few moments here for me , ’ she said more gently , ‘ for I must make my farewell to the Lady Percy , who has been more than kind to me . ’
7 I seemed all set to continue my way to the top outdoors , but as it turned out , the highlight of my summer was getting my photograph in Athletics Weekly , the bible of the sport , for the first time .
8 I thank my hon. Friend for drawing my attention to the representations that he has made .
9 I am grateful to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) for drawing my attention to the article in the Evening Standard .
10 So , apologies to all concerned and bring my breakfast to the dog house .
11 Bring my acid to the dressing room and do n't be late . ’
12 My eyes gradually became accustomed to the gloom , and I managed to grope my way to the station .
13 Anyway , at shortly before five I made my way to the forecourt of the RA .
14 The barn shook again as I got to my feet and made my way to the door with the feeling that the barn had been very lucky so far in not receiving a direct hit from one of the frequent mortar bombs that were exploding in and around the farm .
15 I felt a migraine coming on and made my way to the villa for some peace and quiet .
16 Ignoring them , I made my way to the Norman castle .
17 It was suppertime , so I made my way to the Roscommon chip shop .
18 The others had potential , but I bathed and groomed her as if for Crufts and made my way to the hospital .
19 I felt I was climbing a mountain of my own as I made my way to the interview battling on my bike against the fierce London traffic to meet Sir Edmund at a plush hotel next to Harrods in Knightsbridge .
20 In the lunch interval of the Test I made my way to the bar , where I saw the editor of the Herald , Mac Pollock , father of Springboks Peter and Graeme , and decided to discuss Vorster 's threat with him .
21 I ran through the fields , laid low for about two hours , then I made my way to the motorway and hitched it to Birmingham .
22 I left the hotel , feeling rather like the Lady of Shalott , breaking the spell , leaving her room , her castle , going only to the river 's edge , there to drown herself , and made my way to the Navimore School for Girls .
23 Come Saturday morning I made my way to the ground .
24 searched the bathroom and then made my way to the door , the exit door .
25 Still , I need some fun , and so I make my way to the front , along a narrow arm out onto the sun-baked prow tip .
26 I make my way to the back holding on carefully .
27 No , I 'll treat you to them , I make my lot to the nearest bottle with Unicare if I can , how many you 've got ?
28 There 's no doubt he relieved the pressure on me and the rest of the dressing-room and enabled me to enjoy my game to the full . ’
29 It also challenges my attitude to the more superficially respectable , whom we simply do not want to get on with , and strive earnestly to keep at arm 's length .
30 I then if possible send my assistant to the north of the Island and Swan River .
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