Example sentences of "[verb] him for the [adj] " in BNC.

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31 COMIC Rowan Atkinson is anything but funny in real life and is convinced people who meet him for the first time think he is a disappointment .
32 Though he attempted a detailed rebuttal , chapter by chapter , Milton himself had to admit that ‘ Some men have by policy accomplished after death that revenge upon their enemies which in life they were not able ’ , and that ‘ they who before hated him for his high government , nay fought against him with displayed banners in the field , now applaud him for the wisest and most religious prince that lived ’ .
33 Save him for the Old Bailey and whichever penal dustbin they locked dope peddlers in .
34 In 1984 " Union Jack " Hayward received £50,000 to console him for the untrue allegation that he was involved in a murder plot .
35 The ‘ fine boy ’ with the grim destiny is Thomas Fox , a boy of fifteen whose father , a small farmer , has entrusted him for the first time with a flock of sheep for Portsmouth market .
36 According to Constanze , he received the news with painful resignation , saying that the situation would have enabled him for the first time to have sufficient leisure to write what he wanted , and to justify his growing reputation ; but instead only death awaited him .
37 A Jewish chronicler attributed the success of the expedition entirely to the youthful Ensign , calling him for the first time ‘ Cidi ’ , the equivalent of Mio Cid ‘ my lord ’ .
38 In the car on the return journey , clutching the row of books like a concertina , Mungo thanked him for the third time , promising to pay him the moment they got home .
39 Not until he was five years old did Endill meet him for the first time .
40 The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind .
41 As he unhesitatingly obeyed , she watched him , really examined him for the first time in their acquaintance .
42 Subconsciously he must have been expecting something like this : his first reaction was not surprise but an intensification of the dull misery which had enveloped him for the last 24 hours .
43 I am certainly going to miss him , I have only really known him for the past seven days , but it seems like years .
44 Would some lingering affection for the man she had once married have driven her to France to see him for the last time ?
45 Vincent looked at him , as if seeing him for the first time .
46 She looked up at Trent , as if seeing him for the first time : ‘ I 'd have drowned if you 'd left me on the Key . ’
47 Let me now assume that you are being considered by a prospective principal and are seeing him for the first time .
48 The boyish expression transformed the hard planes of his face and she stared at him as if she was seeing him for the first time .
49 But seeing him for the first time was like when you buy a new make of car you never noticed that kind before , then you realise they 're all over the place .
50 Though he was more like his old self , many suspected they were seeing him for the last time .
51 But he pledged last night that he would still be leading the team for tomorrow 's League game at Darlington even if Flashman does sack him for the third time in a year .
52 Thomas Poole the younger had been born into comfortable West Somerset obscurity in 1765 , and gave little sign to those who met him for the first time of the great gifts of character and intellect which he possessed .
53 Igor Stravinsky met him for the first time in this year , and recalled how shy he seemed .
54 I met him for the first time ever when he took over the leadership of the party from the recently deceased Hugh Gaitskell in February 1963 .
55 met him for the first time I think and erm
56 Knowing him for the hard-hearted son of a bitch he was , I was still shaken .
57 And the first step is to stop treating him like a tube of toothpaste — something you can squeeze the contents out of whenever it suits you — and start appreciating him for the easy-going patient guy he obviously is .
58 Old Peter was off to a STBO Club trip to Warwick Castle and besides , we 'd pay him for the two barrowloads we liberated .
59 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
60 On another occasion his reference to the duty of the Old Testament prophets to denounce God 's judgements to the King and Court was reported to James II , who sent for him and reproached him for the controversial bitterness with which he had spoken .
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